
Become an AS&R member and get discounts at local bike shops and businesses!

Blue Heron Bikes: 10% off parts and accessories.

Bikes on Solano: 10% off labor, parts and accessories.

Offers are valid to members of Albany Strollers & Rollers and their households. Tell your friends!
Contact us with questions.


Friends of Albany Parks – Bulb Clean-up Day @ Albany Bulb
Feb 13 @ 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Want to ride along our beautiful Bay? Come help clean up at the Bulb!

Want to ride along our beautiful Bay? Come help clean up at the Bulb!

Do you and your family go out to the Albany Bulb to enjoy nature? Sure you do!
Please help “Friends of Albany Parks” clean up the Bulb so you, your friends and family can enjoy the experience more!
Plus, get a FREE PIZZA LUNCH from the Albany Community Foundation !

These racks that AS&R bought are perfectly situated for folks who want to enjoy the beach, a hike or just enjoy the beautiful view. Help clean up the Bulb to make it more enjoyable!

These racks that AS&R bought are perfectly situated for folks who want to enjoy the beach, a hike or just enjoy the beautiful view.
Help clean up the Bulb to make it more enjoyable!

The “Friends of Albany Parks”program is designed to encourage community members to get involved with the care, maintenance and beautification of their favorite neighborhood park. These events also help foster a better sense of community and build social capital as neighbors meet and work with one another.

Volunteers who attend the Clean-Up Day will receive an official Friends of Albany Parks t-shirt. Lunch is provided by the Albany Community Foundation.

Albany Neck & Bulb Transition Improvement Plan FINAL MEETING! @ Albany City Hall
Jun 6 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
These racks that AS&R bought are perfectly situated for folks who want to enjoy the beach, a hike or just enjoy the beautiful view. Help clean up the Bulb to make it more enjoyable!

These racks that AS&R funded at the Waterfront are perfectly situated for folks who want to enjoy the beach, a hike or just enjoy the beautiful view.
Help keep our access there!

Do you ride your bike, walk, hike, jog or otherwise enjoy the Albany Bulb & Neck areas? Do you want to continue to have access so you can enjoy the Albany Waterfront to its fullest? Both pieces are scheduled to be transferred to the East Bay Regional Park District and some groups and individuals want to curtail recreational use and bicycle access.

The City is completing its “Albany Neck & Bulb Transition Improvement Plan” public process so this meeting is your final opportunity to give your input in order to ensure that the Waterfront area is something that can be enjoyed by all.

Representatives from Albany Strollers & Rollers and Bicycle Trails Council of the East Bay were invited to a Stakeholder meeting with Albany City Staff and the Planning & Design Consultants, and we were able to voice our opinions.

BUT it is crucial that City Staff, Consultants and City Council hear from YOU AND YOUR FAMILY TO SET FORTH PRIORITIES and a plan to communicate to EBRPD.

Want to ride along our beautiful Bay? Come help clean up at the Bulb!

Want to ride along our beautiful Bay? Speak up!

Bike & hiking paths? Bathrooms? Bike racks? Picnic tables? Improved bicycle access from all directions?
What would make this a great recreational area, like the areas that Berkeley has in its Marina?

Consultants from WRT will give a brief presentation on the process and the final study, and there will be an opportunity for public comment.

More details will be posted as we have more information but please save the date to make sure we keep access to OUR WATERFRONT!
We risk losing access to our Bay if we don’t speak up!
Written comments can be provided in advance of the meeting to We encourage written comments be sent before the day of the meeting to ensure they can be taken into consideration.

Documents related to this effort are included here:

1. Final Albany Neck & Bulb Transition Study (very large – 143 pages)

2. Conservancy Staff Report 05-29-2014
3. WRT_Albany Neck & Bulb Stakeholder Meeting_Access and Recreation
4. Scope of Consultant Services for Albany Neck and Bulb Transition Plan
5.  WRT Transition Improvement Plan as of April 2015


Urban Cycling 101 Classroom Workshop @ Sproul Hall, Room 36
Dec 29 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Come on down and learn how to ride a bike more safely - and have more fun!

Come on down and learn how to ride a bike more safely – and have more fun!

Want to ride more but don’t feel confident enough?

Here’s a FREE bicycle skills class, courtesy of Bike East Bay (with support from the UC Berkeley Police Department.)

Learn basic rules of the road, how to share the road with cars on busy streets, how to equip your bicycle, lock your bike, fit your helmet, and avoid crashes by riding predictably, visibly, and communicating with other road users by your actions and signals. Every workshop has the same content so you only need to attend once. For adults and teens, no bike needed.

Please note: All of Bike East Bay’s UC Berkeley classes are open to the public, but are also part of the BEST (Bicycle Education Safety Training) program allowing cyclists ticketed at UC to have their fines reduced. For these Thursday classes, they encourage people to be ticketed cyclists (don’t run a stop sign so you can attend :) ), but Bike East Bay confirms that you still can register.

Class is FREE but please register here.

Urban Cycling 101 Classroom Workshop @ Sproul Hall, Room 36
Jan 26 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Come on down and learn how to ride a bike more safely - and have more fun!

Come on down and learn how to ride a bike more safely – and have more fun!

Want to ride more but don’t feel confident enough?

Here’s a FREE bicycle skills class, courtesy of Bike East Bay (with support from the UC Berkeley Police Department.)

Learn basic rules of the road, how to share the road with cars on busy streets, how to equip your bicycle, lock your bike, fit your helmet, and avoid crashes by riding predictably, visibly, and communicating with other road users by your actions and signals. Every workshop has the same content so you only need to attend once. For adults and teens, no bike needed.

Please note: All of Bike East Bay’s UC Berkeley classes are open to the public, but are also part of the BEST (Bicycle Education Safety Training) program allowing cyclists ticketed at UC to have their fines reduced. For these Thursday classes, they encourage people to be ticketed cyclists (don’t run a stop sign so you can attend :) ), but Bike East Bay confirms that you still can register.

Class is FREE but please register here.

Urban Cycling 101 Classroom Workshop @ Sproul Hall, Room 36
Feb 23 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Come on down and learn how to ride a bike more safely - and have more fun!

Come on down and learn how to ride a bike more safely – and have more fun!

Want to ride more but don’t feel confident enough?

Here’s a FREE bicycle skills class, courtesy of Bike East Bay (with support from the UC Berkeley Police Department.)

Learn basic rules of the road, how to share the road with cars on busy streets, how to equip your bicycle, lock your bike, fit your helmet, and avoid crashes by riding predictably, visibly, and communicating with other road users by your actions and signals. Every workshop has the same content so you only need to attend once. For adults and teens, no bike needed.

Please note: All of Bike East Bay’s UC Berkeley classes are open to the public, but are also part of the BEST (Bicycle Education Safety Training) program allowing cyclists ticketed at UC to have their fines reduced. For these Thursday classes, they encourage people to be ticketed cyclists (don’t run a stop sign so you can attend :) ), but Bike East Bay confirms that you still can register.

Class is FREE but please register here.

Urban Cycling 101 Classroom Workshop @ Sproul Hall, Room 36
Mar 30 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Come on down and learn how to ride a bike more safely - and have more fun!

Come on down and learn how to ride a bike more safely – and have more fun!

Want to ride more but don’t feel confident enough?

Here’s a FREE bicycle skills class, courtesy of Bike East Bay (with support from the UC Berkeley Police Department.)

Learn basic rules of the road, how to share the road with cars on busy streets, how to equip your bicycle, lock your bike, fit your helmet, and avoid crashes by riding predictably, visibly, and communicating with other road users by your actions and signals. Every workshop has the same content so you only need to attend once. For adults and teens, no bike needed.

Please note: All of Bike East Bay’s UC Berkeley classes are open to the public, but are also part of the BEST (Bicycle Education Safety Training) program allowing cyclists ticketed at UC to have their fines reduced. For these Thursday classes, they encourage people to be ticketed cyclists (don’t run a stop sign so you can attend :) ), but Bike East Bay confirms that you still can register.

Class is FREE but please register here.

Fun Ride on Opening Day For Trails in Richmond @ Rich City Rides
Apr 8 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Join AS&R’s friends & neighbors at Rich City Rides  for the Opening Day of Trails ride!

AS&R members took BART to join Rich City Rides, Check for Bikes, Bike Concord, Bike East Bay and others at the MLK Unity Ride. Hope to see you on this family-oriented ride!

We can’t wait for spring—and here’s why! On April 8, 2017, people across the country will celebrate the nation’s fifth annual Opening Day for Trails. Rich City RIDES (RCR) and Rails-to-Trails Conservancy have teamed up to present Opening Day for Trails in Richmond. Bring your family and friends for a bike ride event where you’ll extend your pedal-powered reach to fun destinations like the Richmond Greenway and Unity Park’s Groundbreaking event!

Come join us for a fun ride on the trails!

Opening Day for Trails is a free event open to all ages! Come join us for a bike ride with a purpose, learn how you can be healthier, and create a healthier Bay Area by engaging in human-powered transportation. For new bike riders, don’t fret! Our ride marshals will help in coordinating two rides based on your level of comfort. We hope you’ll join us on Opening Day—and we can’t wait to see you out on the trail this spring!
Bike Giveaways! To start the ride, we will give away 10 free bikes to kids participating in the event. At the end of the ride, 3 participants will receive free bikes based on their active participation in other RCR bike rides. For an additional opportunity to win prizes be sure to sign Rails-to-Trails Conservancy’s official 2017 Opening Day pledge to get out on the trail! You can be entered to win special prizes from Fuji Bikes and Performance Bicycle for your next trail adventure.

If anyone wants to propose a ride or BART from Albany, please write in “comments” to this event – thanks.

Here is the route – flat and fun, with few cars!

Albany Beach/Bay Trail Design Review Board Meeting – SF Bay Conservation & Development Commission @ Bay Area Metro Center
Apr 17 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

These racks that AS&R bought are perfectly situated for folks who want to enjoy the beach, a hike or just enjoy the beautiful view.
Help give input to make the Waterfront even more enjoyable!

The Bay Conservation & Development Commission will hold a Hearing on the Albany Beach Project.

Albany Beach Restoration & Public Access Project (first review) is the first actual agenda item of the meeting.

Won’t it be nice when we have a Bay Trail Connection through Albany?

The Design Review Board will review the design by the East Bay Regional Parks District, Questa Engineering, and 2M Associates for the Albany Beach Restoration and Public Access Project in the Cities of Albany and Berkeley, adjacent to Golden Gate Fields. The project would enhance the existing beach and dunes and would create approximately 4,765 linear feet of new Bay Trail, overlooks, and a 20-space parking lot.
Link to Meeting Materials which includes exhibits for the above  which is Item 4 (but the first actual agenda item) on the Tentative Agenda.

Public Meeting on Albany Bay Trail and Beach Restoration @ Albany City Hall Council Chambers
May 16 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Help ensure that Albany’s segment of the Bay Trail will be completed, and safe & fun for all!

After a group of Albany residents, including fellow Strollers & Rollers, pointed out improvements that should be made to our Waterfront, there will be a chance to see the plans and give input on the Albany Bay Trail and beach project, officially known as the Albany Beach Restoration and Public Access Project.

This is perhaps the LAST SIGNIFICANT CHANCE for input before final approvals and construction. Thanks much to Councilmember Rochelle Nason for making this meeting happen and to AS&R member Susan Moffat for mobilizing the group a few weeks ago.
Let’s make sure that OUR Waterfront is optimized for people who want to bike, walk, stroll and roll. There is a lot of car parking, but not nearly as much attention paid to parking for bicycles.
Please feel free to share this information with people who may not be on the AS&R list to encourage broad community input.East Bay Regional Park District Staff (EBRPD) and City staff will present information regarding EBRPD beach/trail projects in Albany. The meeting will provide an opportunity for community members to comment on the EBRPD beach/trail projects.
Note: a quorum of the City Council and/or an advisory body to the City Council may be present at this public meeting.
Here is the site plan
And the existing conditions map
And the complete packet from the most recent public meeting (April 17), which was at the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission Design Review Board. This packet has cross-sections and more detailed plans and a staff report.
Albany resident and landscape architect Hugo Larman drafted this updated plan  based on community input, which expands the beach area, adds bike racks and moves car parking near existing parking.
EIR and other info from EBRPD (scroll down to where is says “Albany Beach Habitat Restoration and Public Access Project.”)

These racks that AS&R bought are perfectly situated for folks who want to enjoy the beach, a hike or just enjoy the beautiful view, but they are lonely! We need more “there” at the Waterfront, and more bike racks near other destinations.

AS&R member Dan Johnson prepared comments and alternative plans . After further discussion, Dan & others believe that the location for parking might not be feasible. However his diagram about the amount of paving is relevant.

While not a part of EBRPD’s plan, the Albany Waterfront Committee’s Cove Enhancement Plan should be completed by the City of Albany and taken into account by EBRPD for a comprehensive plan at the entire waterfront. The only reason it was not completed in 2012 was because EBRPD requested the City hold off because of upcoming construction. That reason is long past.

In response to recent community comments, the designers are making efforts to reduce the large amount of pavement for the vehicle driveway and turnaround to leave more open space for recreation at the south end of the site. However, a number of us believe that it would be more functional and would preserve more open space (as well as reduce bicycle-pedestrian conflicts) to locate the parking near the existing parking, on the north side of Buchanan St., which would eliminate the need for the long driveway. However, this area is City-owned and outside the EBRPD project area.

Solano Stroll – Volunteers Needed – AS&R is providing Free Bicycle Valet Parking! @ Tree Lot and Wells Fargo parking lot
Sep 10 @ 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Hundreds of people from all over the Bay Area take advantage of our Bicycle Valet Parking service at two lots on Solano Avenue. Please volunteer a few hours before enjoying the event!
Photo courtesy Amy Smolens

Albany Strollers & Rollers will again be providing Free Bicycle Valet Parking at two locations: 1800 Solano Ave (Wells Fargo) and 1245 Solano (the vacant lot near Masonic.)
We’ll also have an information table by our western lot near Masonic.
If you’d like to help park bikes at either lot or volunteer at AS&R’s info table, please contact Amy Smolens.

AS&R  Super-Volunteer Lynn Eve Komaromi takes a well-earned Pad Thai break – thanks, Bua Luang!
Please join Lynn Eve and your AS&R neighbors in volunteering!

All volunteers who work at least a 4-hr shift or pick up & return rental racks will get free lunch provided by a supporting Solano Avenue restaurant, Mountain Mike’s Pizza ,  Tay Tah or Bua Luang Thai Cuisine!!
Since 1974 Solano Avenue and the cities of Albany and Berkeley have hosted the Solano Avenue Stroll, the East Bay’s largest street festival! The Solano Avenue Association , AS&R and Check for Bikes invite you to see what makes Solano Avenue a wonderful place. The Stroll features over five hundred vendors including 50 entertainers (there’s always great music!,) 50 food booths, 150 government and non-profit agencies, 150 juried hand-crafters, a 75 entry parade, state of the art mechanical rides and much more!

We would like to thank Janka White, the owner of AS&R’s new supporting sponsor, Floor Dimensions. Janka is donating a long Red Carpet to lead passers-by to our information table and straight up the ramp to our western Bicycle Valet Parking lot!
Thanks also to Lucas Euser of Clif Bar who donated boxes of Clif Bars and Z Organic Kids Bars & Fruits so ALL OF OUR VOLUNTEERS will have plenty to snack on all day!!

Come visit AS&R at our information table then enjoy a great stroll up Solano!
Or better yet, volunteer a few hours with Amy, Michael and your neighbors before strolling!
Photo courtesy Tenisha Neal

This family event promotes the unique traits of Solano Avenue, helping independently-owned businesses, artists, and community organizations to thrive by exposure and fundraising. Join 250,000 participants and event guests visit from all over the west coast at this annual street festival!
Please see the press room to stay tuned into what’s hot at this years event!
Brought to you by the Cities of Albany and Berkeley; and with the help of our generous sponsors, SAA members, and volunteer board of directors.

Lucas Euser of Clif Bar donated boxes of Clif Bars and Z Organic Kids Bars & Fruit for ALL OUR VOLUNTEERS!!
Photo courtesy Francesco Papalia

Bike, trikes, scooters, strollers, trailers, tandems, striders, long-tails, unicycles and more bikes!! Photo courtesy Mark Altenberg

Thank you Janka White of Floor Dimensions for donating a “Red Carpet” to lead festival-goers to our lower lot and table!!