Meeting Minutes 3-17-13
In attendance – Preston Jordan, Nick Pilch, Harry Chomsky, Zack Mensinger, Tom O’Brien, and Carl Petrovsky
Treasurer’s Report
~$1900 in bank
$800 still expected to be received
~$600 expected cost for bike valet racks
First item – Tom O’Brien presented idea for a city-wide approach to reward safe/good travel behavior
Engage all road users – drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians
Encourage “three Be’s” – Be safe, be responsible, be respectful
Program could consist of coupons, treats, etc. for safe/respectful behavior among road users
Coupons redeemable for discounts at participating businesses, 10% discount, etc.
Second item – Bike to Work Day
Marie Bowser helping again to recruit business donations
Energizer Station application in – will be at Marin and Ohlone Greenway
Also a number of other bike month events
Third Item – BevMo Bike Racks
Suggestion of $200 per rack contribution from AS&R?
General support for continuation of program – raises visibility
Also good to get larger corps involved
Fourth Item – Bike Trailer Discussion
What type is ideal/most useful – big, once-in-awhile type or smaller everyday type
Could someone like Blue Heron run trailer/rack demos at BTWD?
Member poll of different options – Harry will put together
Partner with Blue Heron for Arts and Green Fest demos as well – racks, panniers, maybe if you buy one, they could install as you browse festival?
Announce list message to recruit people willing to lend out trailer
Fifth Item – Messages/involvement with other advocacy groups
Alliance for Biking and Walking, CalWalks, CalBike
Switched to advocacy mailing address – one member will handle necessary correspondence – Ken for ABW and Preston for CalWalks
Sixth Item – General Topics/Advocacy
Ohlone Greenway striping – Berkeley and El Cerrito already have/plan to stripe only 2 lanes, including part of Albany pathway – appears too late to get this changed as both municipalities are obstinate
MUTCD for pathway bollards – EBBC hazard list – report found hazards, things not up to code
Pierce entrance ramps – still narrow on both sides, will be wider at USDA crossing and Ocean View
Lawsuit update – changed language for cycling connections and some solar – settlement close
Greenway widening – multiple blocks where there is excess parking – attempt to slow down traffic on Masonic by narrowing street – what should “official” stance of AS&R be on this topic?