11/10 AS&R General Meeting
1. Election comments (5 minutes)
2. Add to agenda
3. 2023 AS&R Projects & Events
- Partner on Bike Anywhere?
- Albany Community Expo
- Active Transportation Plan Update
- Albany Tri – now own racks
4. Scooter Update
5. Marin School Bike Parking/Site Design (Ian)
6. Safe Routes to Schools Update
7. Transportation Commission Dec. Mtg.
- Local Road Safety Plan
- Scoping ATP Update
8. GPC Update (Sherie)
9. Supporting Climate Ride income stream
1. Need a team captain
2. Focus on a group for one ride in Spring and/or Fall
10. GreenWAYS Newsletter (table for later)
11. Holiday Happy Hour: Dec. 1
(for a .pdf copy, click: 2022.11.10 AS&R General Mtg Agenda & Notes)