Upcoming Events

1:00 pm URBAN CYCLING 101 – DAY 1 CLASSR... @ Albany Library
URBAN CYCLING 101 – DAY 1 CLASSR... @ Albany Library
Feb 22 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
5:00 pm AS&R Happy Hour Meeting – Eat, d... @ Everest Kitchen
AS&R Happy Hour Meeting – Eat, d... @ Everest Kitchen
Feb 27 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
AS&R Happy Hour Meeting - Eat, drink & problem-solve!! @ Everest Kitchen | Albany | California | United States
Come and talk about walking and cycling in Albany, while eating delicious Nepali & Indian food in Everest Kitchen’s Parklet! All are invited. Got a gripe, question or idea that would make cycling or walking[...]
7:00 pm Transportation Commission Meeting @ Council Chambers, City Hall
Transportation Commission Meeting @ Council Chambers, City Hall
Feb 27 @ 7:00 pm – 10:30 pm
The monthly Transportation Commission Meeting, the Fourth Thursday of every month, is a great place to make your ideas known, find out about the transportation issues and projects in Albany, and help improve things for[...]
7:00 pm AS&R Meeting – You’re Invited to...
AS&R Meeting – You’re Invited to...
Mar 6 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
AS&R Meeting - You're Invited to Join Virtually!
Have a gripe, an idea or some input about anything that would further cycling and pedestrian conditions here in Albany? Then join us at our next meeting (every other month – odd-numbered months) where we[...]
7:00 pm Transportation Commission Meeting @ Council Chambers, City Hall
Transportation Commission Meeting @ Council Chambers, City Hall
Mar 27 @ 7:00 pm – 10:30 pm
The monthly Transportation Commission Meeting, the Fourth Thursday of every month, is a great place to make your ideas known, find out about the transportation issues and projects in Albany, and help improve things for[...]
5:00 pm AS&R Happy Hour Meeting – Eat, d... @ Everest Kitchen
AS&R Happy Hour Meeting – Eat, d... @ Everest Kitchen
Apr 24 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
AS&R Happy Hour Meeting - Eat, drink & problem-solve!! @ Everest Kitchen | Albany | California | United States
Come and talk about walking and cycling in Albany, while eating delicious Nepali & Indian food in Everest Kitchen’s Parklet! All are invited. Got a gripe, question or idea that would make cycling or walking[...]
7:00 pm Transportation Commission Meeting @ Council Chambers, City Hall
Transportation Commission Meeting @ Council Chambers, City Hall
Apr 24 @ 7:00 pm – 10:30 pm
The monthly Transportation Commission Meeting, the Fourth Thursday of every month, is a great place to make your ideas known, find out about the transportation issues and projects in Albany, and help improve things for[...]
7:00 pm AS&R Meeting – You’re Invited to...
AS&R Meeting – You’re Invited to...
May 1 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
AS&R Meeting - You're Invited to Join Virtually!
Have a gripe, an idea or some input about anything that would further cycling and pedestrian conditions here in Albany? Then join us at our next meeting (every other month – odd-numbered months) where we[...]
7:00 pm Transportation Commission Meeting @ Council Chambers, City Hall
Transportation Commission Meeting @ Council Chambers, City Hall
May 22 @ 7:00 pm – 10:30 pm
The monthly Transportation Commission Meeting, the Fourth Thursday of every month, is a great place to make your ideas known, find out about the transportation issues and projects in Albany, and help improve things for[...]
5:00 pm AS&R Happy Hour Meeting – Eat, d... @ Everest Kitchen
AS&R Happy Hour Meeting – Eat, d... @ Everest Kitchen
Jun 26 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
AS&R Happy Hour Meeting - Eat, drink & problem-solve!! @ Everest Kitchen | Albany | California | United States
Come and talk about walking and cycling in Albany, while eating delicious Nepali & Indian food in Everest Kitchen’s Parklet! All are invited. Got a gripe, question or idea that would make cycling or walking[...]


Become an AS&R member and get discounts at local bike shops and businesses!

Blue Heron Bikes: 10% off parts and accessories.

Bikes on Solano: 10% off labor, parts and accessories.

Offers are valid to members of Albany Strollers & Rollers and their households. Tell your friends!
Contact us with questions.

AS&R General Meeting Notes – January 12, 2023

AS&R General Meeting Notes – January 12, 2023


Attendees: Harry Chomsky, Preston Jordan, Nick Pilch, MaryAnn Furda, Gerhard and Marge Brostrom, Sherie Reineman, Amy Smolens, Ken McCroskey, Britt Tanner

Agenda Items:

  1. Curb Ramps and Storm Drain Flooding Issues affecting pedestrians at intersections (since introduction of Valley Drains)
  2. BikeLink at Waterfront – update request
  3. Bike Corral (Solano/Kains Parklet) – update request
  4. ATP Update Discussion
  5. Solano Ave – East of Masonic
  6. Hopkins Reconfiguration Status


  1. Curb Ramps / Valley Drains: 

Sherie Reineman presented – traditional storm drains and curb ramp design allow pedestrian/wheelchair users to step/roll directly from sidewalk to street at the same level at street crossing/crosswalk. As the older storm drain infrastructure has deteriorated, and concurrently $$ became available for redesign/construction of curb ramps, rather than storm drain maintenance, Albany has been replacing the storm drains with valley drains. Design/construction of valley drains (often with concurrent new curb ramps) routes rainwater flow across the bottom of curb ramp and part of intersection where pedestrians step, rather than beneath the corner. With valley drains, the depression (gully) in the street where the ramp meets the street frequently fills with water and/or debris not earlier experienced with traditional storm drains (except when occasionally clogged or collapsed). 

Discussion – City of Albany “not going back” and will continue to replace traditional storm drains with valley drains [P.Jordan/K.McCroskey]; however, because the valley drain design inherently introduces walking/rolling into puddles of water in the depression in street between ramp and about 2-3 feet into intersection at crossing, AS&R will encourage city to design/build the drain slopes and associated curb ramps in a way that ensures the slope will minimize the flow of water where pedestrians step. Generally, the west side of streets is not sloped sufficiently [P.Jordan]. 

Although the rainy season tends to be short here, it’s generally agreed that with Climate Change, we can likely anticipate the rainy conditions we are experiencing now will likely continue and increase in the future and need to plan for that and move toward a workable solution [MA.Furda].


  1. BikeLink at Waterfront:

– Amy requested update on status and timeline of BikeLink containers (authorized by City Council in June 2022 using Sugar Sweetened Beverage Tax proceeds) 

– Action item: Preston will seek answer from city staff 


  1. Bike Corral (Solano/Kains Parklet):

background – bike rack in bike corral at Solano/Kains parklet damaged – motorist accidentally drove into rack

– motorist insurance, but Amy needs specific contact person/info from  the City) to order new bike racks to replace those damaged by motorist/collision

– Discussion of protective bollard options; the City is exploring and may have “other solutions” [P.Jordan]; some similar parklets use large free-standing urns which seem functional and present a solid barrier [A.Smolens]

– Action item: Preston to request specific contact person/info from City so new racks can be ordered


  1. ATP Update Discussion:

Ken McCroskey put this on agenda to discuss and encourage involvement in broader focus.

– What should be included in ATP revision?

– last version dates to 2012 (with some minor- but significant revision approx 2019: for Redevelopment on SPA, cycling improvements must be considered/implemented)

– city Staff looking for input on projects: 

– Solano Ave. is due for repaving between Masonic and Tulare. The Local Road Safety Plan is identifying intersections that can be improved.

– Kains/Adams pilot projects – greenlighted but delayed due to lack of resources (note: Philadelphia model: shorter planning process, then design/Quick-Build and/or Pop-Up models allow valuable “hands on” public participation

– SF comparison [B.Tanner]: SF doesn’t do pop ups but does pilots (1 yr) or Quick-Build or paint (6-mos Assessment); both methods helpful and inexpensive methods to design out

– Emeryville comparison [A.Smolens] – Doyle Street – Quick-build

notes on E-ville: 1) different political dynamic, as mayor is avid cyclist/advocated for safe streets [M.Furda]; 2) E-ville has vastly different economic model, with huge commercial base, compared w/ Albany’s more meager resources  [P. Jordan]

– Cycletrack on Marin? 2-way cycletrack on SPA (north of Clay) – Albany Bowl, Sutter Health, Kaady Kar Wash

– Adams – access/emergency connection across creek; City easement along south bank adjacent School for Blind, could build path westward and cross creek west of SfB, connecting to existing path on north bank

– El Cerrito SPA Corridor Plan

– Maximize safe streets [infrastructure] on arterials

– City looking for input on Capital Improvement Project Pipeline

– SR2S

– Education, publicity and other “soft programs” [Ken]

– Suggestion [Harry]: include lots of proposals in ATP but with priority ordering to motivate staff…

– Action item – Ken to review current ATP to determine which projects have been completed; then determine 2-3 things in ATP to get done.


  1. Solano – East of Masonic:

– generally cyclists comfortable riding westbound (downhill) on Solano; one-way cycletrack in eastbound (uphill) direction and widened sidewalk infrastructure (which could also accommodate parklets at sidewalk level) – this is generally the model proposed by AS&R a few years ago

– Nick – slower, more timid cyclists may need facilities; Harry – although we support needs of more timid cyclists, caution with facilities which look safe but introduce unanticipated hazards (esp at intersections)

– Ken – commercial parking lots underutilized, esp in evening hours and can be resource

– Action Item: Preston to look at Polk Street as an example with similar terrain as Albany as example; other possibilities: Portland, Montreal, Minneapolis St Paul.

Amy will contact others looking for analogous situations of protected bike facilities on descent in business district


  1. Hopkins Reconfiguration status & does AS&R have official position (?):

– member Brostrom asked about this (the project is due for another vote due to contract bid deadlines).

– MaryAnn (Berkeley resident) recap: Berkeley CC approved, however there has been some opposition incl by some cyclists asking for change in design, so there was a vote to delay/reconsider. Main concern is accessibility to businesses btw McGee & Sacramento (for those unable to walk/bike there to/from home).

– AS&R is outside of Berkeley jurisdiction and as community organization in neighboring town has little, if any influence in Berkeley; however as individuals, Albany citizens and AS&R members can attend the Berkeley meetings and give input/support of project; 

– BEB is already engaged in support of project; BEB is AS&R’s fiscal sponsor [for purposes of 501(c)3 designation], but AS&R functions independently [Harry]; BEB is fine with AS&R not taking an official position in this Berkeley matter [Ken, confirming conversation w/ BEB];

– MaryAnn reports the project has been approved; further study/reconsideration will continue, however the project was approved to move forward on schedule.

– AS&R will not take an official position as an organization.