In March of last year, the City kicked off its first systematic street lighting evaluation. Thank you to all everyone that participated in a survey or the workshop that were part of the process. It was a rapid and effective process resulting in a number of reports. The Council considered the last of these, which regards lighting recommendations and specifications, at its last meeting. The Council adopted this report. It recommends the following actions, somewhat in order by benefit for cost:
- Replace failing LED and remaining high-pressure sodium lights;
- Improve lighting at intersections currently with low lighting and dusk/nighttime collision history;
- Add lighting near schools;
- Add lighting along cycling routes and priority sidewalk network;
- Add shields to eliminate streetlight shining on adjacent buildings; and
- Comprehensively improve lighting along Solano and Marin
It provides specifications, such as color temperature, intensity, and shielding to eliminate light spill.
With the specifications now available, the City has been able to commence replacing failed LEDs, part of the first action. The map below, completed a year ago by volunteers, has resulted in the City starting with western Albany where the failure rate is the highest. Note the map only regards lights on wooden poles.
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