AS&R meeting minutes
Albany Strollers & Rollers
General Meeting
March 16, 2014
834 Cornell Ave.
Attendees: Sherie Reineman, Harry Chomsky, Nick Pilch, Amy Smolens, Preston Jordan, Francesco Papalia
1. Meeting room for future??: Nick has met and negotiated with St. Alban’s Church, $30/mtg
Sherie & Amy suggested polling the membership to host meetings. We discussed alternate solution: Harry to write up query to Announce list, which Nick will post, to look for someone to be responsible for coordinating meeting spaces (member homes, other locations, etc)
2. BtWD – May 8th
Marie Bowser cannot step up, but has contact info for food coordinator for Energizer Station and will send to Nick.
Bag stuffing, Jack London Square.
Nick sez Bike East Bay has not buttoned down exact dates
Bike East Bay (BEB) asked about Bike Rodeo, Nick to ask Peggy?
BAT? Nick to ask Angela. Ken may know whether City will organize?
3. Arts & Green — Amy reports the Chipotle rep has left, former rep will forward our request to current rep, but Amy will see arrange that All volunteers receive lunch and Bua Luang coupon. Amy will get vol lunches (either Chipotle or Tay Tah); SLC – flat tire fix clinic in addition to free/low-cost tune-ups.
BEB has mechanism to sign up volunteers, = can we have BEB link up our vol signups for Arts & Green on their site?
4. B2SD – Francesco reports, Jennifer Romero mentioned “Little League parade” but too close to the event for AS&R to do anything. Also missed “Golden Sneaker Contest”. Amy reports, have those folks keep us posted on these events in advance. and that if people/members with children find out about events, to let us know and give us info in advance so we can assess AS&R’s availabilty and desire to be involved, or not.
5. Collision discussion: video of Feb 27th T&S mtg. Amy & Joe Matera spoke in favor of citation. Farid has asked Aleida to follow up w/ Police; Aleida was unaware (when Amy asked her) of the circumstances of collision. Joe Matera asked for mtg w/ Chief McQuiston, Mcquiston did not get back. Harry will follow up with Aleida and confirm an officer will be at next T&S mtg to change policy for future, not so much issuing citation retroactively in a specific incident.
6. Harry – received sales call. person found about AS&R from Alliance for Biking and Walking, and has company with reflective pinwheel to attach to stroller, etc., said he’d email Harry, but Harry has not heard back; wants to raise capital through crowd source funding. Harry will look for similar product online to see if he can figure out connection? Preston/all, – wait for person to contact Harry/AS&R again.
7. Preston: Buchanan/Marin = The plans say “4 foot min width” for sidewalks and there was a concern in AS&R that the whole block would have 4 foot sidewalks. There may be a section with 4 ft sidewalk on south side of Marin between Kains/Stannage, Preston used as example. After more careful examination, it appeared that the notation applied only to a driveway section, and the rest of the block would keep the existing sidewalk width. If this is correct, it’s satisfactory, because the driveway will provide full width for most users, and adequate width (4 feet) for users who need a level surface. Our conclusion was that it is probably more like 6 feet. Harry will verify that overall width is 6 feet, and 4 feet applies only at driveway. Harry will follow up in T&S.
8. Ohlone Greenway – Stencils for Pedestrian Lane not yet installed; Harry to follow up with Aleida on stencils, also mid-block (bike-stencil in bike lanes, per stencil in pedestrian lane).
9. Improving sidewalk maintenance:
Harry subcommittee member on sidewalks. Met with Aleida and consultant Erin Smith; other person on subcommittee (Susan Reeves) did not make meeting. Discussed Ray Chan’s presentation to T&S in Fall. Ray Chan’s presentation had all basic elements for improving sidewalk maintenance; find out whether and when Ray will bring to City Council. Ray’s ideas: 1) City will survey and notify owners when repair needed; 2) City will offer to arrange work with contractor and bill owner; 3) owners can opt for horizontal cutting, a cheap, temporary (3 year) fix; 4) City can use lien to recoup costs from owner when needed; 5) ultimately, propose ballot initiative to fund sidewalk repair publicly, on a par with street repair.
10. Nick – fixing lateral cracks in pavement (Buchanan) did not come up in T&S meeting. Preston says: ask for it to be put onto T&S agenda.
11. Clings: Alameda County Transportation Council (2500). they want to reveal custom design on their own website… Amy ordered some of AS&R clings in same order. Also Salt Lake Marathon, will order, design not yet approved, possibly 1000 clings; our first out-of-state over for clings.
Francesco: how about sending out “Check for Bikes” on bottom, swap w/ the AS&R lettering. gives an Int’l branding “”… can be easier, ready-made for purchase by other organizations… and also 8 cents per cling. Harry, “what quantity?”. Amy : 500 at least; Amy needs to wrap into another (customer) order which is at least 2500. Nominal fee to Tod for re-design. We approved $100-$200 for redesign and purchase for AS&R.
12. Treasurers rpt.
$3800 at Mechanics Bank
$300 bike east bay (our incoming AS&R member donations from Bike East Bay)
will be paying $150 for T-shirts – BtWD
$500 invoice to ACTC. Amy will invoice separate expenditure.
2500 ACTC, 1500 AS&R
Did Ken order new Bike Valet Racks that we had approved?
How much is that order/will that order be?.
13. Amy working on bike-bike rack order:
2 TayTah (pat committed)
1 Bua Luang (pat commited)
1 N.Berkeley (La Farine) – North Berkeley Investment, possible
1 Lynn Eve @ 545 Pierce (private facility) – visitor parking, possible HOA. Lynn Eve also approaching other Pierce St HOAs.
Nick reports Church on the Corner needs bike racks – Nick has talked with them, and will set up contact info w/ Amy .
Amy reports all-in-one Fitness may be interested also.
meeting adjourned at 5:55 pm.