
Become an AS&R member and get discounts at local bike shops and businesses!

Blue Heron Bikes: 10% off parts and accessories.

Bikes on Solano: 10% off labor, parts and accessories.

Offers are valid to members of Albany Strollers & Rollers and their households. Tell your friends!
Contact us with questions.


Albany Neck & Bulb Transition Improvement Plan FINAL MEETING! @ Albany City Hall
Jun 6 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
These racks that AS&R bought are perfectly situated for folks who want to enjoy the beach, a hike or just enjoy the beautiful view. Help clean up the Bulb to make it more enjoyable!

These racks that AS&R funded at the Waterfront are perfectly situated for folks who want to enjoy the beach, a hike or just enjoy the beautiful view.
Help keep our access there!

Do you ride your bike, walk, hike, jog or otherwise enjoy the Albany Bulb & Neck areas? Do you want to continue to have access so you can enjoy the Albany Waterfront to its fullest? Both pieces are scheduled to be transferred to the East Bay Regional Park District and some groups and individuals want to curtail recreational use and bicycle access.

The City is completing its “Albany Neck & Bulb Transition Improvement Plan” public process so this meeting is your final opportunity to give your input in order to ensure that the Waterfront area is something that can be enjoyed by all.

Representatives from Albany Strollers & Rollers and Bicycle Trails Council of the East Bay were invited to a Stakeholder meeting with Albany City Staff and the Planning & Design Consultants, and we were able to voice our opinions.

BUT it is crucial that City Staff, Consultants and City Council hear from YOU AND YOUR FAMILY TO SET FORTH PRIORITIES and a plan to communicate to EBRPD.

Want to ride along our beautiful Bay? Come help clean up at the Bulb!

Want to ride along our beautiful Bay? Speak up!

Bike & hiking paths? Bathrooms? Bike racks? Picnic tables? Improved bicycle access from all directions?
What would make this a great recreational area, like the areas that Berkeley has in its Marina?

Consultants from WRT will give a brief presentation on the process and the final study, and there will be an opportunity for public comment.

More details will be posted as we have more information but please save the date to make sure we keep access to OUR WATERFRONT!
We risk losing access to our Bay if we don’t speak up!
Written comments can be provided in advance of the meeting to We encourage written comments be sent before the day of the meeting to ensure they can be taken into consideration.

Documents related to this effort are included here:

1. Final Albany Neck & Bulb Transition Study (very large – 143 pages)

2. Conservancy Staff Report 05-29-2014
3. WRT_Albany Neck & Bulb Stakeholder Meeting_Access and Recreation
4. Scope of Consultant Services for Albany Neck and Bulb Transition Plan
5.  WRT Transition Improvement Plan as of April 2015


Forum for BART Directors, AC Transit Directors, & BART Bond Measures @ Berkeley Chinese Community Church
Oct 15 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm


Want better conditions on BART? Come to this forum!

Want better conditions on BART? Come to this forum!

Do you take the train and/or bus in addition to biking & walking? If so, this forum is important for you to attend!!

This forum for BART & AC Directors, as well as info on the BART Bond Measure, will be co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters Berkeley Albany Emeryville and the Berkeley Chinese Community Church.

  • AC Transit Ward 2 (Albany, Berkeley, Emeryville) –
    AC Transit buses could have better conditions, too.

    AC Transit buses could have better conditions, too.

    Greg Harper, Russ Tilleman

  • AC Transit At Large – Dollene C. Jones, H. E. Christian (Chris) Peeples
  • Bart Director District 3 – Ken Chew, Worth Freeman, Varun Paul,
    Rebecca Saltzman
  • Bart Director District 7  – Roland Emerson, Zakhary Mallett, Will Roscoe, Lateefah Simon


Albany Beach/Bay Trail Design Review Board Meeting – SF Bay Conservation & Development Commission @ Bay Area Metro Center
Apr 17 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

These racks that AS&R bought are perfectly situated for folks who want to enjoy the beach, a hike or just enjoy the beautiful view.
Help give input to make the Waterfront even more enjoyable!

The Bay Conservation & Development Commission will hold a Hearing on the Albany Beach Project.

Albany Beach Restoration & Public Access Project (first review) is the first actual agenda item of the meeting.

Won’t it be nice when we have a Bay Trail Connection through Albany?

The Design Review Board will review the design by the East Bay Regional Parks District, Questa Engineering, and 2M Associates for the Albany Beach Restoration and Public Access Project in the Cities of Albany and Berkeley, adjacent to Golden Gate Fields. The project would enhance the existing beach and dunes and would create approximately 4,765 linear feet of new Bay Trail, overlooks, and a 20-space parking lot.
Link to Meeting Materials which includes exhibits for the above  which is Item 4 (but the first actual agenda item) on the Tentative Agenda.

Public Meeting on Albany Bay Trail and Beach Restoration @ Albany City Hall Council Chambers
May 16 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Help ensure that Albany’s segment of the Bay Trail will be completed, and safe & fun for all!

After a group of Albany residents, including fellow Strollers & Rollers, pointed out improvements that should be made to our Waterfront, there will be a chance to see the plans and give input on the Albany Bay Trail and beach project, officially known as the Albany Beach Restoration and Public Access Project.

This is perhaps the LAST SIGNIFICANT CHANCE for input before final approvals and construction. Thanks much to Councilmember Rochelle Nason for making this meeting happen and to AS&R member Susan Moffat for mobilizing the group a few weeks ago.
Let’s make sure that OUR Waterfront is optimized for people who want to bike, walk, stroll and roll. There is a lot of car parking, but not nearly as much attention paid to parking for bicycles.
Please feel free to share this information with people who may not be on the AS&R list to encourage broad community input.East Bay Regional Park District Staff (EBRPD) and City staff will present information regarding EBRPD beach/trail projects in Albany. The meeting will provide an opportunity for community members to comment on the EBRPD beach/trail projects.
Note: a quorum of the City Council and/or an advisory body to the City Council may be present at this public meeting.
Here is the site plan
And the existing conditions map
And the complete packet from the most recent public meeting (April 17), which was at the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission Design Review Board. This packet has cross-sections and more detailed plans and a staff report.
Albany resident and landscape architect Hugo Larman drafted this updated plan  based on community input, which expands the beach area, adds bike racks and moves car parking near existing parking.
EIR and other info from EBRPD (scroll down to where is says “Albany Beach Habitat Restoration and Public Access Project.”)

These racks that AS&R bought are perfectly situated for folks who want to enjoy the beach, a hike or just enjoy the beautiful view, but they are lonely! We need more “there” at the Waterfront, and more bike racks near other destinations.

AS&R member Dan Johnson prepared comments and alternative plans . After further discussion, Dan & others believe that the location for parking might not be feasible. However his diagram about the amount of paving is relevant.

While not a part of EBRPD’s plan, the Albany Waterfront Committee’s Cove Enhancement Plan should be completed by the City of Albany and taken into account by EBRPD for a comprehensive plan at the entire waterfront. The only reason it was not completed in 2012 was because EBRPD requested the City hold off because of upcoming construction. That reason is long past.

In response to recent community comments, the designers are making efforts to reduce the large amount of pavement for the vehicle driveway and turnaround to leave more open space for recreation at the south end of the site. However, a number of us believe that it would be more functional and would preserve more open space (as well as reduce bicycle-pedestrian conflicts) to locate the parking near the existing parking, on the north side of Buchanan St., which would eliminate the need for the long driveway. However, this area is City-owned and outside the EBRPD project area.

Solano Avenue Complete Streets Walk & Workshop @ Flowerland & Community Center
May 30 @ 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Do you want Solano Avenue to be more walkable, bikeable and safe for all?
The City of Albany is developing a Complete Streets and Corridor Revitalization Plan for Solano Avenue from Masonic Avenue to Tulare Avenue to create an active main street environment. An extensive community engagement process will be deployed to identify ideas and strategies to:
Improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists
Enhance access to transit
Promote a cohesive streetscape
Support local economic activity

The outcome will be a plan with Complete Streets designs for roadway, sidewalk and intersection changes that support all modes and users of all ages and abilities, builds foot traffic for local businesses, encourages interaction in public spaces, and adds vibrancy to the community.

Let’s make mid-Solano even more bike friendly!

The first public input event includes a walk along a few blocks of Solano to observe what is in place, and then a workshop at the Albany Community Center to generate ideas and collect concerns for the project. Refreshments will be provided at the Workshop.
Participate in this site walk and/or workshop to share your ideas of how this avenue could be safer and more comfortable for you and your family.

5:00pm – 6:00pm – Walking Assessment of Solano Avenue – Meet in front of Flowerland (1330 Solano Avenue)
6:00pm – 8:30pm – Community Design Workshop – Albany Community Center (1247 Marin Ave.)
To follow this project further, go to
Central Ave I-80 Underpass Improvement Community Workshop @ El Cerrito Council Chambers
Jun 7 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Do you bike or walk on Central Avenue under I-80 to reach the places you enjoy?
Would you like to help make it easier and safer to do so?
The Central Avenue / Interstate 80 (I-80) underpass in Richmond leads to a lot of great places—the San Francisco Bay Trail, Point Isabel Dog Park, Costco and the Richmond Marina, to name a few.
CalTrans District 4 wants your ideas on how to transform the underpass into a high-quality pedestrian and bicycle connection!

Current Underpass

Help improve your biking and walking experience in the East Bay!
Join us at the Community Workshop to share ideas on the project design. We will discuss safety features, lighting, wayfinding and other design elements.



It could look like this!!

You! Residents, cyclists and walkers in Richmond, El Cerrito, Albany (Pierce Street and West Albany residents, that means you!!) and beyond.

For more information, go to