
Become an AS&R member and get discounts at local bike shops and businesses!

Blue Heron Bikes: 10% off parts and accessories.

Bikes on Solano: 10% off labor, parts and accessories.

Offers are valid to members of Albany Strollers & Rollers and their households. Tell your friends!
Contact us with questions.


“Geared 4 Kids” Family Fun Ride @ Rosa Parks Elementary School
Mar 10 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Get GEARED UP! Helmets, Bikes, Bells!
Meet up in front of Rosa Parks Elementary School.
This month’s route will be in west Berkeley.
Bring along snacks to share at our mid-route stop, and, of course, we’ll have tunes to pedal to all throughout the ride!
Helmets required for kids.
Be sure to pack snacks, water, and clothing appropriate to weather conditions!
NOTE: Cold wet weather cancels — check Facebook event or website for cancellations.
North Berkeley BART is closest station.
If anyone wants to ride from Albany, put a note and ideas of time and place to meet in the “comments” here.

Geared 4 Kids: 2 Year Anniversary Ride + BBQ @ San Pablo Park
Apr 14 @ 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Get GEARED UP! Helmets, Bikes, Bells!
This group has been riding for 2 years now and it’s time to celebrate!
There will be a BBQ/Picnic/Potluck after the ride starting around 12:30pm at San Pablo Park. Details for the BBQ can be found on Geared 4 Kids’ Facebook group page.
Meet up for the ride at 10:30am near the playground (Russell & Mabel).
This month’s route will be 4.5 miles long and take us through a bit of Berkeley, Oakland, and Emeryville (a modification of our inaugural route). Bring along snacks to share at our mid-route stop, and, of course, we’ll have tunes to pedal to all throughout the ride!
Helmets required for kids.
Be sure to pack snacks, water, and clothing appropriate to weather conditions!

If anyone wants to ride together from Berkeley, leave a comment on this post and let’s organize something!

Birding the Bay Trail by Bicycle @ Aquatic Park, Berkeley
Oct 12 @ 4:15 pm – 8:00 pm

IMG_20111008_BayTrailJoin Golden Gate Audubon leaders to visit Berkeley Aquatic Park, then take the multiuser bridge to the Bay Trail toward Emeryville then Richmond. Meet at 9:15 a.m. on Bolivar Drive near the foot of Bancroft Way in Berkeley.
We’ll bird around Aquatic Park, then take the multiuser bridge to the Bay Trail riding first toward Emeryville, then Richmond. Bring binoculars and snacks; wear layers (it can be warm, or cool and windy along the shore). Call Pat if you want to borrow binoculars. This birding ride is co-listed with Golden Gate Audubon.
Jeffrey Black, (510) 526-7068, and Pat Greene, (415) 321-9013 (cell),

Does anyone want to ride together from anywhere in Albany? Make a proposal for a meeting time and place in “comments” here!

El Cerrito Urban Greening Plan Open House @ El Cerrito Community Center
Oct 19 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Contribute to the greening and bike friendliness of our neighbor to the north, El Cerrito!
Come explore a greener, more compact, bikeable and walkable El Cerrito at the upcoming Community Open House!
The City will be presenting the new regulatory framework proposed in the San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan and Complete Streets Plan to encourage higher-density, mixed-use development with bicycle and pedestrian improvements and new public open space. Information on the City’s Urban Greening Plan key opportunity sites and Active Transportation Plan priority projects will be available.
The Open House will take place on Saturday, October 19th at the Community Center, from 9am to 1pm with repeated presentations at 9am and 11am. Come hear about the City’s planning efforts and provide your feedback on the proposed regulations, priority projects and opportunity sites.

For more info go here.

Tour de Trails Bike Ride @ Richmond BART
Dec 6 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Help keep our Ohlone Greenway neat and clean!

Ride with us and our neighbors at the                 Tour de Trails!

Come join with our friends from Rich-City Rides and Bike East Bay on a 16-mile ride showcasing little-known local trails on Dec. 6!
The ride, which takes off from Richmond BART station at 10 a.m., is fun, easy-paced and mostly off-street and paved, according to Rich City Rides, the local nonprofit co-hosting the event with Bike East Bay.
Riders will learn how to navigate some of the more complicated sections of trail and discuss what needs to be done to make Richmond’s, El Cerrito’s and Albany’s trails easier to use.
The ride heads south from the Richmond BART station to the Richmond Greenway trail, then continues east on the trail to the start of the Ohlone Greenway trail in El Cerrito. The trip then goes south on the Ohlone to Albany, where it connects with the Marin/Buchanan Bikeway. Cyclists will then head north on the Bay Trail, looping back to the start of our route at Richmond BART.
Children under 16 must be accompanied with an adult and should be able to ride with their parents safely in the street. Anyone under age 18 must where a helmet.
Any parents who want to learn more about biking with children can attend one of the free family workshops offered online at, or check out our website at for more information.
Preview the route online at: Those who can’t join the full route can get on BART at El Cerrito Del Norte at mile 3.3, El Cerrito Plaza at mile 5.2, or just head north on the Greenway until you meet up with the ride.
Please rsvp to the Facebook Event: Tour De Trails

Community Meeting for Ohlone Greenway Improvements near El Cerrito BART Stations @ Castro Clubhouse
Nov 10 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Give your input to improve the Greenway by El Cerrito BART stations!

Give your input to improve the Greenway by El Cerrito BART stations!

Come help our neighbor to the North, El Cerrito, shape its (and your) bicycle and pedestrian future!

The City of El Cerrito is in the process of re-designing the Ohlone Greenway at the El Cerrito Plaza and El Cerrito Del Norte BART station areas.  No doubt, you use the El Cerrito Plaza station and you may cycle or walk in both of those areas.
The primary goals of this project are to:
*Improve bicycle and pedestrian routes to transit, commercial nodes and housing
*Bring new vibrancy to the areas around the BART stations
*Increase safety and accessibility for BART riders and Greenway users
*Improve the integration of the El Cerrito Plaza and El Cerrito del Norte BART Stations with the surrounding community.

Here are some of the 96 BikeLink lockers at nearby El Cerrito Plaza BART

Here are some of the 96 BikeLink lockers at nearby El Cerrito Plaza BART

On Tuesday November 10 the City of El Cerrito will host a community meeting to review the preferred plan for the Ohlone Greenway at the El Cerrito del Norte and El Cerrito Plaza BART station areas.  This is the last of several outreach efforts to engage the public in the process of re-designing the Ohlone Greenway at two key areas in the City.  At the meeting, community members will have a chance to voice their opinion on the preferred plan to create gateway elements and outdoor gathering spaces around the Greenway and BART stations, improve the mixed-use bicycle and pedestrian path and intersection crossings, and other enhancements.For more info, go here.

Ohlone Greenway Design Input at Parks & Rec Meeting – 35% Plans Presented for Input! @ City Hall Council Chambers
Feb 22 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Do you or your family ride, walk, roll, scoot or skate on the Ohlone Greenway? I’m sure you do, as the multi-use path on the Greenway is Albany’s Active Transportation Highway  – over 1,000 trips per day on regular days when last counted several years ago!
The Parks & Rec Department is overseeing Greenway improvements so now’s the time to give input in order to have a better experience to stroll, roll or just hang out!

Do you or your family ride on the Ohlone Greenway? Now's the time to give input to improve it!

Do you or your family ride on the Ohlone Greenway? Now’s the time to give input to improve it!

The information with the Project Plans and what was discussed at previous meetings is at this link. However, the proposal will be updated based on feedback that they received at February 1, so people should come to see how it evolved!
At this meeting the consultants will have 35% designs for you to see and provide input. This is a crucial time in the planning process!
Preferred Concept plan that was presented to Council on February 1  included:

  • Plaza area as presented in the 250K Focused amenities (Adventure play with climbing wall, fitness pod with 3 stations, both diagonal ramps, social path short cut to Solano
  • Redwood Grove informal play area
  • San Gabriel sculpture play
  • Social paths
  • 3 Creek paintings
  • 3 fitness stations along Greenway with 2 pieces of equipment at each
  • Dartmouth Circle improvements
  • Orchards
  • Public Art locations

A parcourse, wayfinding, art – all can have a positive effect on the experience, safety and atmosphere of strolling and rolling.
An orchard is proposed for the eastern edge of the Greenway. What a great idea… BUT if those trees are planted too close to the multi-use path, as was already done south of Dartmouth, they will drop debris on the path, encroach on the path itself and also invite more conflicts between people biking northbound & walking on the east dg path and people who are picking fruit.
Another point someone brought up was that some of the existing trees west of the path cast are planted directly between the overhead light and the path, casting shadows on the path and making the nighttime path experience more dangerous.
In short, as Albany’s Active Transportation Highway, the City must take care not to degrade this important function. If amenities to either side are to be added, it should be done with great care.
Please attend this meeting to give your input and improve the Ohlone Greenway for everyone – strollers, rollers, sitters, dog-walkers, and fruit-pickers!


Musette Bag Stuffing for Bike to Work Day 2018 – May 4th, 9-11 a.m. @ Sports Basement
May 4 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Stuffing bags for everyone who rolls by is FUN!! If you can help, please email Ken at – thanks!

You’ve enjoyed picking up the famous Bike to Work Day musette bags, chock full of swag & snacks. Help stuff those musette bags for our Energizer Station so hundreds of your friends, neighbors and passers-by can enjoy the fruits of our labor!
DATE AND TIME: MAY 4th, 9-11 a.m.

You’ve seen Lucy & Ethel in their famous assembly line – help us make ours more fun & successful by joining us!

This important pre-Bike to Work Day event is a ton of fun for all ages. Fast-paced assembly line is a great experience for kids. Snacks provided.
You’ve been getting the bags for free for years, now see how it’s done and boost your karma! Let Ken McCroskey know if you can help out.

The musette bags are always filled with swag! Help get them that way!

If you want to connect with others to bike or BART to Sports Basement, leave a note in the Comments section of this post.

Bay Day Ride at the Albany Bulb @ North Berkeley BART
Oct 5 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Want to ride along our beautiful Bay? Join us! Photos courtesy Amy Smolens

Celebrate Bay Day with Albany Strollers & Rollers, Bike East Bay and Love the Bulb! Join a relaxed Bay Trail bike ride and walking tour of the Albany Bulb. Ride starts at North Berkeley BART, goes up to Point Isabel and back, and finishes at the Albany Bulb. We will check out some recent and upcoming Bay Trail improvements and end the ride with the opportunity to take a walking tour of the unique art and nature of the Albany Bulb. If you’d like, grab a bite at FoodieLand Night Market near Albany Beach (plenty of bike parking- bring a lock!) before heading home.

Plenty of bike parking at FoodieLand!
Photo courtesy Mike Cabanatuan


This is the third of Bike East Bay’s Fall Ride Series: a collection of family-friendly rides exploring excellent trails projects in the East Bay. You’ll learn about the surrounding area, and explore favorite routes on these low-key rides. Check out the full schedule at

To RSVP please go here. If anyone wants to ride from Albany to North Berkeley BART, leave a comment with meeting place and time.

These racks that AS&R bought are perfectly situated for folks who want to enjoy the beach, a hike or just enjoy the beautiful view.