
Become an AS&R member and get discounts at local bike shops and businesses!

Blue Heron Bikes: 10% off parts and accessories.

Bikes on Solano: 10% off labor, parts and accessories.

Offers are valid to members of Albany Strollers & Rollers and their households. Tell your friends!
Contact us with questions.


Urban Cycling 101 – FREE Classroom Workshop by EBBC @ UC Berkeley Barrows Hall Room 60 (basement)
Dec 3 @ 11:00 pm – Dec 4 @ 1:00 am

This fun and entertaining workshop is taught by one of our bicycle safety instructors certified by the League of American Bicyclists. Learn basic rules of the road, how to share the road with cars on busy streets, equip your bicycle, fit your helmet, use transit, and avoid crashes by riding predictably, visibly, and communicating with motorists by your actions and signals. No bike required.
It’s FREE, but please preregister here

For additional info about this or other free classes, go here

FREE! One Hour Bike Safety Workshop by EBBC @ Richmond Village Conference Room
Jan 26 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

This 1-hour introductory classroom course teaches the basics of safe cycling, riding in traffic, equipment, crash avoidance, and rights and responsibilities. For adults and teens, no bike needed.
It’s FREE, but please preregister here
For additional info about this or other free classes, go here

EBBC Women’s Ride to Celebrate International Women’s Day @ Bay Area Bikes
Mar 9 @ 6:00 pm – 10:30 pm

Mark your calendars for the first ever EBBC Women’s Ride on Saturday, March 9. To celebrate International Women’s Day (March 8) EBBC’s Executive Director, Renee Rivera, and board member and owner of Bay Area Bikes, Glenda Barnhart, will co-lead a fun social-paced ride from downtown Oakland to the Rosie the Riveter Museum in Richmond. We will learn about our local history of women working on the home front during WWII.
This fun and educational ride is a great way for new cyclists to gain comfort riding on our urban east bay streets and learn about great places to ride, like the Bay Trail. Seasoned riders will also have a great time on this mostly flat 24 mile round trip ride from Bay Area Bikes in Oakland’s Uptown to the Museum and back. We will do quick safety checks for rider’s bikes before we head out, along with tips for safe riding. Bring a helmet and $ for lunch.
Of course, AS&R members can peel off on the way home if they desire.


Ohlone Greenway Clean-up Day
Jul 19 @ 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Friends of Albany Parks Ohlone NEW

Help keep our Ohlone Greenway neat and clean!

Help keep our Ohlone Greenway neat and clean!

I’m sure you and your family use the Ohlone Greenway to roll or stroll, so here’s a chance to help keep it it nice for everyone!
Saturday is Friends of Albany Parks’ Ohlone Greenway Clean-up Day and they would like to invite anyone interested in helping us with some spring cleaning in the summer to stop by and give it  a little TLC and beautification.
Friends of Albany Parks is a stewardship program aimed at getting residents and community members involved in light maintenance and beatification of some of the City’s shared spaces.

Lunch provided by Albany Community Foundation!!

Join Albany Staff, the City’s Urban Forester and your friends & neighbors as we continue to improve our local green spaces.

Projects include:  Plant bed maintenance
Litter Crew
“Tree Love”
Re-organizing landscape areas
And more…


Friends of Albany Parks – Bulb Clean-up Day @ Albany Bulb
Feb 13 @ 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Want to ride along our beautiful Bay? Come help clean up at the Bulb!

Want to ride along our beautiful Bay? Come help clean up at the Bulb!

Do you and your family go out to the Albany Bulb to enjoy nature? Sure you do!
Please help “Friends of Albany Parks” clean up the Bulb so you, your friends and family can enjoy the experience more!
Plus, get a FREE PIZZA LUNCH from the Albany Community Foundation !

These racks that AS&R bought are perfectly situated for folks who want to enjoy the beach, a hike or just enjoy the beautiful view. Help clean up the Bulb to make it more enjoyable!

These racks that AS&R bought are perfectly situated for folks who want to enjoy the beach, a hike or just enjoy the beautiful view.
Help clean up the Bulb to make it more enjoyable!

The “Friends of Albany Parks”program is designed to encourage community members to get involved with the care, maintenance and beautification of their favorite neighborhood park. These events also help foster a better sense of community and build social capital as neighbors meet and work with one another.

Volunteers who attend the Clean-Up Day will receive an official Friends of Albany Parks t-shirt. Lunch is provided by the Albany Community Foundation.

Creek Clean-Up at Cerrito Creek @ Cerrito Creek near El Cerrito Plaza
Feb 21 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm


Join Friends of Albany Parks and El Cerrito Green Teams and  in their first trash/litter clean-up of 2016! They will be meeting at a scenic stretch of Cerrito Creek alongside El Cerrito Plaza to clean up the creek and surrounding areas as needed. All ages are welcome.

Sign up to volunteer today!

(510) 215-4350, or just show up!

Latecomers welcome. Meet near Trader Joe’s south side in El Cerrito Plaza. Tools, gloves and good company provided. Wear closed-toed shoes with traction and clothes that can get dirty.


Ohlone Greenway Clean-up Day @ Ohlone Greenway across from Senior Center
Mar 19 @ 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Do you or your family ride on the Ohlone Greenway? Now's the time to give input to improve it!

Do you or your family ride on the Ohlone Greenway? Spend a few hours to clean it up for everyone…and get a free lunch!

Do you and your family use the Ohlone Greenway for fun and transportation? Sure you do!
Here’s a great opportunity to spend a few hours cleaning it up for everyone you know.

PLUS, you’ll get free pizza for lunch courtesy of Albany Community Foundation and a free Friends of Albany Parks t-shirt!
Kids are welcome – the more, the merrier!

So come on out for a few hours, meet your neighbors, have a free lunch and help our community!

Bay Trail Beautification & Cleanup (and FREE PIZZA!!) @ Bay Trail & Buchanan St.
Apr 10 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Would you rather have the Bay Trail look like this....

Would you rather have the Bay Trail look LIKE THIS…

Do you and your family ride or walk on the Bay Trail? Then come on down to help clean it up for yourself and everyone…and get a free lunch for your time!
Join AS&R, Albany Community Foundation, Albany Rotary, and the City of Albany as we work together to clean-up and improve the Bay Trail in Albany. Between Buchanan Avenue and our border with Richmond, the Bay Trail runs along Freeway 680. This stretch receives a lot of trash from the
freeway, and is hard to access for servicing. A recent clean-up job has left this area in a much improved state, but there is work still to be done.

...or like this?


Join us as we paint over graffiti, sweep rocks off of the path, and trim trees to allow easy cycling access. Bring gloves, sunscreen, and a water bottle. Wear clothes you can paint in. Tools will be provided.

Rotary is covering supplies to $100, ACF is providing lunch, and the City will help with trash removal.

Meet at Buchanan and the Bay Trail, just west of the freeway underpass.

West Berkeley Bike Share Workshop @ Sierra Club, SF Bay Chapter
Sep 28 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Bike Share's coming to Berkeley soon!

Bike Share’s coming to Berkeley soon!

Bike Share in the Bay Area will be bigger and better soon. With 7,000 bikes at full build-out, the system will have stations every few blocks in San Francisco; connect Oakland, Berkeley, and Emeryville; and extend the San Jose service area from the downtown core. It will link people to MUNI and BART, to jobs and schools, and all that the Bay Area has to offer.
The City of Berkeley has partnered with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Bay Area Motivate to launch bike share in Berkeley in 2017. Berkeley will have 400 bikes and 37 bike share stations. Bike share will create a 24-hour, regional transportation network for short, one-way trips. Bike share provides an easy way of making trips from your home to BART, from your office to lunch, to dinner and a friend’s house. The Bay Area Bike Share system expansion will also include Emeryville (100 bikes), Oakland (850), San Francisco (4,500) and San Jose (1,000.)

No, not in Albany yet, but hopefully the next expansion will include Albany, El Cerrito and Richmond.bikeshare2

The next step is public workshops, where neighbors sit around maps and discuss which station locations work best for their community. You are invited to review possible site locations and give input, which will be considered, along withcrowd-sourced suggestions and technical analysis.
There are two more opportunities to give input so take advantage of them!

West Berkeley: September 28, 2016 West Berkeley Public Workshop, 6 & 6:45pm at the Sierra Club
North Berkeley: September 29, 2016 North Berkeley Public Workshop, 6 & 6:45pm at the North Berkeley Senior Center 

North Berkeley Bike Share Workshop @ North Berkeley Senior Center
Sep 29 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Bike Share's coming to Berkeley soon!

Bike Share’s coming to Berkeley soon!

Bike Share in the Bay Area will be bigger and better soon. With 7,000 bikes at full build-out, the system will have stations every few blocks in San Francisco; connect Oakland, Berkeley, and Emeryville; and extend the San Jose service area from the downtown core. It will link people to MUNI and BART, to jobs and schools, and all that the Bay Area has to offer.
The City of Berkeley has partnered with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Bay Area Motivate to launch bike share in Berkeley in 2017. Berkeley will have 400 bikes and 37 bike share stations. Bike share will create a 24-hour, regional transportation network for short, one-way trips. Bike share provides an easy way of making trips from your home to BART, from your office to lunch, to dinner and a friend’s house. The Bay Area Bike Share system expansion will also include Emeryville (100 bikes), Oakland (850), San Francisco (4,500) and San Jose (1,000.)

No, not in Albany yet, but hopefully the next expansion will include Albany, El Cerrito and Richmond.bikeshare2

The next step is public workshops, where neighbors sit around maps and discuss which station locations work best for their community. You are invited to review possible site locations and give input, which will be considered, along withcrowd-sourced suggestions and technical analysis.
There are two more opportunities to give input so take advantage of them!

West Berkeley: September 28, 2016 West Berkeley Public Workshop, 6 & 6:45pm at the Sierra Club
North Berkeley: September 29, 2016 North Berkeley Public Workshop, 6 & 6:45pm at the North Berkeley Senior Center