
Become an AS&R member and get discounts at local bike shops and businesses!

Blue Heron Bikes: 10% off parts and accessories.

Bikes on Solano: 10% off labor, parts and accessories.

Offers are valid to members of Albany Strollers & Rollers and their households. Tell your friends!
Contact us with questions.


El Cerrito Active Transportation Plan Community Open House @ El Cerrito City Hall/Council Chambers
Jul 1 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Here are some of the 96 BikeLink lockers at nearby El Cerrito Plaza BART

Here are some of the 96 BikeLink lockers at nearby El Cerrito Plaza BART

Come help our neighbor to the North, El Cerrito, shape its bicycle and pedestrian future!
The Open House for El Cerrito’s Active Transportation Plan will begin with a short presentation about the planning process and proposed bicycle and pedestrian networks. Focus area project posters will be available for review and comment throughout the workshop.
The City released the draft Plan for public comment on Sunday, June 14th. The Plan, which is an update to the 2007 Circulation Plan for Bicyclists and Pedestrians, evaluated the existing bicycle and pedestrian networks and identified new focus projects and programs to close gaps in these networks and provide amenities to make it easier to bike and walk in El Cerrito.
The draft Plan proposes nine focus area projects, revised bicycle and pedestrian networks, a policy toolkit and program framework to making walking and biking easier in El Cerrito. The nine focus area projects are:

  • BART to Bay Trail Access Improvements at Central Avenue, Carlson Boulevard, and Cerrito Creek Connections between Plaza BART and the Bay Trail
  • Ohlone Greenway Crossing Improvements – Citywide
  • Citywide Wayfinding at Key Walking and Biking Routes
  • Arlington Boulevard Pedestrian Improvements
  • East Side Bicycle Boulevard – Blake Street, Norvell Street, Schmidt Lane, Richmond Street,
  • Moeser Lane, Norvell Street, Lincoln Avenue, Albemarle Street, Behrens Street
  • Wayfinding associated with East Side Bicycle Boulevard
  • Key Boulevard Improvements – between Humboldt Street and Hill Street
  • Fairmount Avenue Improvements – between Carlson Boulevard and Colusa Avenue
  • Potrero Avenue Improvements – between western City Limit and Ohlone Greenway

2012-07-11_CarlsonSPabloBLaneEC1 El Cerrito The draft Plan is available for review via the project website, Public comments will be accepted from Sunday, June 14th until Friday, July 17th and may be submitted via email to the Public Works Department at, via mail to City of El Cerrito, 10890 San Pablo Avenue, El Cerrito, CA 94530 or dropped off at the El Cerrito City Hall Front Counter, Attn: Public Works.

Creek Clean-Up at Cerrito Creek @ Cerrito Creek near El Cerrito Plaza
Feb 21 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm


Join Friends of Albany Parks and El Cerrito Green Teams and  in their first trash/litter clean-up of 2016! They will be meeting at a scenic stretch of Cerrito Creek alongside El Cerrito Plaza to clean up the creek and surrounding areas as needed. All ages are welcome.

Sign up to volunteer today!

(510) 215-4350, or just show up!

Latecomers welcome. Meet near Trader Joe’s south side in El Cerrito Plaza. Tools, gloves and good company provided. Wear closed-toed shoes with traction and clothes that can get dirty.


Ohlone Greenway Clean-up Day @ Ohlone Greenway across from Senior Center
Mar 19 @ 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Do you or your family ride on the Ohlone Greenway? Now's the time to give input to improve it!

Do you or your family ride on the Ohlone Greenway? Spend a few hours to clean it up for everyone…and get a free lunch!

Do you and your family use the Ohlone Greenway for fun and transportation? Sure you do!
Here’s a great opportunity to spend a few hours cleaning it up for everyone you know.

PLUS, you’ll get free pizza for lunch courtesy of Albany Community Foundation and a free Friends of Albany Parks t-shirt!
Kids are welcome – the more, the merrier!

So come on out for a few hours, meet your neighbors, have a free lunch and help our community!

Bay Trail Beautification & Cleanup (and FREE PIZZA!!) @ Bay Trail & Buchanan St.
Apr 10 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Would you rather have the Bay Trail look like this....

Would you rather have the Bay Trail look LIKE THIS…

Do you and your family ride or walk on the Bay Trail? Then come on down to help clean it up for yourself and everyone…and get a free lunch for your time!
Join AS&R, Albany Community Foundation, Albany Rotary, and the City of Albany as we work together to clean-up and improve the Bay Trail in Albany. Between Buchanan Avenue and our border with Richmond, the Bay Trail runs along Freeway 680. This stretch receives a lot of trash from the
freeway, and is hard to access for servicing. A recent clean-up job has left this area in a much improved state, but there is work still to be done.

...or like this?


Join us as we paint over graffiti, sweep rocks off of the path, and trim trees to allow easy cycling access. Bring gloves, sunscreen, and a water bottle. Wear clothes you can paint in. Tools will be provided.

Rotary is covering supplies to $100, ACF is providing lunch, and the City will help with trash removal.

Meet at Buchanan and the Bay Trail, just west of the freeway underpass.