Ride on down to Everest Kitchen to enjoy a special Happy Hour discount and chat about biking and walking!
Come and talk about walking and cycling in Albany, while eating delicious Nepali & Indian food in Everest Kitchen’s Parklet! All are invited.
Got a gripe, question or idea that would make cycling or walking better? Hungry or thirsty?
Take care of ALL of those needs in one place!

Sanjiv says “come on down!”
Join us for our Happy Hour at our usual location – Everest Kitchen – they generously offer us 15% off their menu, including drinks, and yes, they have plenty of bike parking! This is our every other month (even-numbered months) informal get-together to talk about all things bike and ped in Albany. It’s a good chance to ask about what the city is up to and what our stance on issues is, and to meet others who are interested in issues related to human-scale transit/active transit.
Everyone is welcome.
Note that this will usually take place right before a Transportation Commission meeting, and will also be a good chance to talk about anything coming up on their agenda.
If you would like to discuss something at the Happy Hour, request a Happy Hour agenda item via email or Put it in the “comments” section below! Hope to see you there!
I’ll be there. Angela will be there too, but may be a little late. Anyone else?
Per our discussions, here is the website for the pre-eminent school for sustainability engineering in case there’s a job opening in the city of Albany. I looked on the Albany website and couldn’t find the one that was mentioned at happy hour.
Also, about the challenge: I did go the traffic and safety meeting but I couldn’t stick around past 9:30 so I couldn’t really explain my challenge to the commissioners. Since I walked in late, I misunderstood the call for public comment on another issue so, while I did make a fool of myself, I also managed to at least mention the challenge.
I wrote it up and was very clear that I didn’t intend to call out and insult Albany’s commissioners, but that I think every civic employee everywhere I have lived, I thought they should all spend 1 week getting around town using one mode of transportation only. Since Albany is a small town, it shouldn’t be that difficult to get around walking for a week, taking the bus for a week, biking, etc. Of course getting out of town, they are free to use whatever mode and keep within the bounds of the challenge.
My purpose here is just to make sure that all civic engineering-type employees really understand from personal experience what it’s like for the people they are designing/deciding for.
It’s possible that I will make it to the next traffic and safety meeting. But I wouldn’t count on it.
For the October Happy Hour meeting:
1) After seeing the 6 Bike Bike Racks that we co-funded, there are a few other locations that want them. Can we offer some sort of funding to them, maybe $100 each?
2) Do we continue the lights program or not? If so, we need a “job description” for someone to coordinate and/or keep track of the light sales and giveaways
JUNE 2013 Happy Hour meeting:
Ralph B will report about his Trailer Share program research/findings and we will move further along toward a decision on how to implement this.
If you are interested in Trailer Share please attend this meeting!
Agenda items for April 23:
Arts & Green Festival
I (Amy) am bringing samples of reflective leg bands for AS&R to order. Come on down to give your input on which you prefer!
Bike to Work Day
June 25 agenda items:
Bike Bike Rack and AirKit updates (Amy)
Stickers for above (Ken)
BVP rack offer from Albany Tri & $ info (Amy & Ken)
August 27 agenda items:
BBR and Air Kit good news! (Amy)
Leg Band input (Amy)
Solano Stroll update (Ken, Sylvia, Amy)
February 2016 Agenda items
We will vote on the Newsletter names – suggested names are here http://www.albanystrollroll.org/name-our-newsletter/#comments or come up with a new one.
Arts & Green Festival
Sidewalk update
Bike to Work Day?
Bike Bike Rack update
June 2016 agenda items
GREENways publication
BBR update (Amy)
Legband update (Amy)
BV Rack update/questions (Ken)
City project updates? (Anyone)
Special for our October Happy Hour: Jon Guhl, owner of Little Star, Café Eugene and Boss Burger, will join us! Have an idea about how those businesses can work with our cycling community? Come on out and make a suggestion!