We had a fun and successful day at the Albany Arts and Green Festival on Sunday.
Our Bicycle Valet Parking service was well used, as always. We parked about 90 bicycles, talked to lots of people about what we do and answered tons of questions. Thanks to all who stopped by. We also gave away coupons to BVP sponsor Bua Luang Thai Cuisine and Tay Tah Café, both longtime supporting businesses.
We sold some “Check for Bikes” clings, our latest bike safety initiative – see http://checkforbikes.org/ for more information and a bunch of rear bike lights to keep people cyclng more safely.
27 new members joined AS&R – welcome to you and your families! We look forward to your input and to seeing you on the road!
Thanks to our fantastic volunteers – Zack Mensinger, Ken McCroskey, Megan & Abby Vieira, Francesco Papalia, Angela Armendariz, Kate Harper, Preston Jordan, Nora Daley-Peng, Nick Pilch, John Alexander, Hannah Pallmeyer, Susie & Ethan Garcia, Eric Appelquist, Chris Shatterly, and Mac McCurdy. We needed every single one of you!
Thanks to Street Level Cycles, who gave 35 FREE tuneups to the public! Thanks Amber Rich, Cory Rich, Eric Delesbore, Randy Szakas and Bill Hogan for your hard work and for getting more bikes functioning well and safely!!
And thanks to longtime supporting business Chipotle for supplying burritos for all the volunteers! John Alexander’s panniers were filled to the rims with the tasty treats and we all had worked up quite an appetite when he rolled up at 1 pm.
Lastly, thanks to the community organizers of this great yearly event, including our own Ken McCroskey!
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