
Become an AS&R member and get discounts at local bike shops and businesses!

Blue Heron Bikes: 10% off parts and accessories.

Bikes on Solano: 10% off labor, parts and accessories.

Offers are valid to members of Albany Strollers & Rollers and their households. Tell your friends!
Contact us with questions.


Complete Streets workshop – Presentation of Design Concepts @ Multipurpose Room, Ocean View Elementary School
Dec 13 @ 3:00 am – 4:30 am

With the input of Albany residents, the “Complete Streets process” of this past week has been identifying ways that the streets could be changed to better accommodate alternative modes of travel, including walking, bicycling, and public transit, while still effectively serving drivers. Its result will be a set of plans that the City can use for future project ideas and grant applications.
This Wednesday evening the consultants will present their plan concepts, the results of the work by members of the community. Come on down and have a peek at the future!
More information

Planning Commission Workshop re. San Pablo Ave in El Cerrito @ El Cerrito City Hall
Jul 17 @ 2:30 am – 5:00 am

Do you ride in or through El Cerrito? Yup, me too!
Want a San Pablo Avenue that is safer for your and your family to ride? I thought so!

Want protected bike lanes on San Pablo Avenue? Go to one of the El Cerrito meetings and speak up!

Want protected bike lanes on San Pablo Avenue? Go to one of the El Cerrito meetings and speak up or write a letter! You have until the end of the day July 21 to do so.

El Cerrito is moving forward into the ‘feasibility’ phase of designing bikeways on San Pablo Avenue and is proposing protected bikeways in the Midtown area of El Cerrito between its two BART stations. Bike East Bay helped secure a Safe Routes to Transit grant for El Cerrito for this design work. As good as it promises to be, this project needs to be complete.
The City of El Cerrito recently released a draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that covers plans specific to San Pablo Avenue.
The proposal is a comprehensive document that outlines infrastructure modifications to the main commercial thoroughfare through the city; chapter 3 covers the Complete Streets plan. Comments on the Draft Specific Plan should be emailed to Melanie Mintz, the Interim Community Development Director, detailed information concerning the plan and how to submit comments can be found on the city website. We urge you to voice support of a formal bicycle lane, as opposed to sharrows, in the uptown section of San Pablo Avenue. Bicycle lanes provide street safety for all users, forming a link between public transit, businesses, and residences.

Wednesday, July 16 is the 2nd in a series of Public Meetings and a good opportunity to weigh in supporting the plan. This one is a Planning Commission meeting, so will likely include discussion of the sidewalk interface with private development, plan & site layout requirements and parking requirements, including bicycle parking.
By the way, EC City Hall has secure BikeLink lockers for you to use!

**Again, the plan is open for public review and comment and is available on the City’s website at Public comment will close next Monday, July 21st at the end of the day. There are also hard copies available at the Richmond City Hall, Richmond Library, El Cerrito City Hall and El Cerrito Library.  So give your input!

El Cerrito Urban Greening Plan Joint Study Session @ El Cerrito City Hall Council Chambers
Oct 22 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Contribute to the greening and bike & ped friendliness of our neighbor to the north, El Cerrito!
Please join City Staff THIS Wednesday, October 22nd at 7 pm in the El Cerrito City Hall Council Chambers for a Joint Study Session of the Parks & Recreation Commission and the Environmental Quality Committee and hear an update from the Community Development Department on the City’s Urban Greening Plan, currently underway. The two bodies called for the City’s successful application for a Proposition 84 Urban Greening Planning Grant in 2011. The Plan evaluates existing parks and open spaces in the city and proposes policies, programs and projects to create and enhance vibrant, ecological green spaces in El Cerrito. The public will have an opportunity to provide comments at the end of the presentation.
Additional comments and questions may be submitted to Emily Alter via email at or at (510) 215-4385. The City anticipates that the draft Urban Greening Plan will be released early 2015. For more information on the Plan, please visit


El Cerrito Active Transportation Plan Community Open House @ El Cerrito City Hall/Council Chambers
Jul 1 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Here are some of the 96 BikeLink lockers at nearby El Cerrito Plaza BART

Here are some of the 96 BikeLink lockers at nearby El Cerrito Plaza BART

Come help our neighbor to the North, El Cerrito, shape its bicycle and pedestrian future!
The Open House for El Cerrito’s Active Transportation Plan will begin with a short presentation about the planning process and proposed bicycle and pedestrian networks. Focus area project posters will be available for review and comment throughout the workshop.
The City released the draft Plan for public comment on Sunday, June 14th. The Plan, which is an update to the 2007 Circulation Plan for Bicyclists and Pedestrians, evaluated the existing bicycle and pedestrian networks and identified new focus projects and programs to close gaps in these networks and provide amenities to make it easier to bike and walk in El Cerrito.
The draft Plan proposes nine focus area projects, revised bicycle and pedestrian networks, a policy toolkit and program framework to making walking and biking easier in El Cerrito. The nine focus area projects are:

  • BART to Bay Trail Access Improvements at Central Avenue, Carlson Boulevard, and Cerrito Creek Connections between Plaza BART and the Bay Trail
  • Ohlone Greenway Crossing Improvements – Citywide
  • Citywide Wayfinding at Key Walking and Biking Routes
  • Arlington Boulevard Pedestrian Improvements
  • East Side Bicycle Boulevard – Blake Street, Norvell Street, Schmidt Lane, Richmond Street,
  • Moeser Lane, Norvell Street, Lincoln Avenue, Albemarle Street, Behrens Street
  • Wayfinding associated with East Side Bicycle Boulevard
  • Key Boulevard Improvements – between Humboldt Street and Hill Street
  • Fairmount Avenue Improvements – between Carlson Boulevard and Colusa Avenue
  • Potrero Avenue Improvements – between western City Limit and Ohlone Greenway

2012-07-11_CarlsonSPabloBLaneEC1 El Cerrito The draft Plan is available for review via the project website, Public comments will be accepted from Sunday, June 14th until Friday, July 17th and may be submitted via email to the Public Works Department at, via mail to City of El Cerrito, 10890 San Pablo Avenue, El Cerrito, CA 94530 or dropped off at the El Cerrito City Hall Front Counter, Attn: Public Works.

Community Meeting for Ohlone Greenway Improvements near El Cerrito BART Stations @ Castro Clubhouse
Nov 10 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Give your input to improve the Greenway by El Cerrito BART stations!

Give your input to improve the Greenway by El Cerrito BART stations!

Come help our neighbor to the North, El Cerrito, shape its (and your) bicycle and pedestrian future!

The City of El Cerrito is in the process of re-designing the Ohlone Greenway at the El Cerrito Plaza and El Cerrito Del Norte BART station areas.  No doubt, you use the El Cerrito Plaza station and you may cycle or walk in both of those areas.
The primary goals of this project are to:
*Improve bicycle and pedestrian routes to transit, commercial nodes and housing
*Bring new vibrancy to the areas around the BART stations
*Increase safety and accessibility for BART riders and Greenway users
*Improve the integration of the El Cerrito Plaza and El Cerrito del Norte BART Stations with the surrounding community.

Here are some of the 96 BikeLink lockers at nearby El Cerrito Plaza BART

Here are some of the 96 BikeLink lockers at nearby El Cerrito Plaza BART

On Tuesday November 10 the City of El Cerrito will host a community meeting to review the preferred plan for the Ohlone Greenway at the El Cerrito del Norte and El Cerrito Plaza BART station areas.  This is the last of several outreach efforts to engage the public in the process of re-designing the Ohlone Greenway at two key areas in the City.  At the meeting, community members will have a chance to voice their opinion on the preferred plan to create gateway elements and outdoor gathering spaces around the Greenway and BART stations, improve the mixed-use bicycle and pedestrian path and intersection crossings, and other enhancements.For more info, go here.

Ohlone Greenway Design Input at Parks & Rec Meeting @ City Hall Council Chambers
Jan 14 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Do you or your family ride, walk, roll, scoot or skate on the Ohlone Greenway? I’m sure you do, as the multi-use path on the Greenway is Albany’s Active Transportation Highway  – over 1,000 trips per day on regular days when last counted several years ago!
The Parks & Rec Department is overseeing Greenway improvements so now’s the time to give input in order to have a better experience to stroll, roll or just hang out!

The information with the Project Plans and what was discussed at previous meetings is at this link:

Do you or your family ride on the Ohlone Greenway? Now's the time to give input to improve it!

Do you or your family ride on the Ohlone Greenway? Now’s the time to give input to improve it!

A parcourse, wayfinding, art – all can have a positive effect on the experience, safety and atmosphere of strolling and rolling.

An orchard is proposed for the eastern edge of the Greenway. What a great idea… BUT if those trees are planted too close to the multi-use path, as was already done south of Dartmouth, they will drop debris on the path, encroach on the path itself and also invite more conflicts between people biking northbound & walking on the east dg path and people who are picking fruit.

Another point someone brought up was that some of the existing trees west of the path cast are planted directly between the overhead light and the path, casting shadows on the path and making the nighttime path experience more dangerous.

In short, as Albany’s Active Transportation Highway, the City must take care not to degrade this important function. If amenities to either side are to be added, it should be done with great care.

Please attend this meeting to give your input and improve the Ohlone Greenway for everyone – strollers, rollers, sitters, dog-walkers, and fruit-pickers!

Full P&R agenda is at
6-1: Ohlone Greenway Design: Restoration Design Group will give a presentation.
Recommended Actions:
1. That the Commission recommend a preferred concept direction to move into the design into the next phase.
2. That the Commission approve the planting of fruit and nut trees by the California Rare Fruit Growers along the eastern strip of the Ohlone Greenway as described in the Memo.
3. That the Commission set a Special Meeting Date for the 4th week of February to review the 35% Plans for the Ohlone Greenway.

Ohlone Greenway Design Input at City Council @ City Hall Council Chambers
Feb 1 @ 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm

Do you or your family ride, walk, roll, scoot or skate on the Ohlone Greenway? I’m sure you do, as the multi-use path on the Greenway is Albany’s Active Transportation Highway – over 1,000 trips per day on regular days when last counted several years ago!
The City Council is considering Greenway improvements so now’s the time to give input in order to have a better experience to stroll, roll or just hang out!

The agenda for the meeting is at this link, item 9-2.

The Consultants’ “Preferred Master Plan” is here – (fyi, you can just open it up or download the 4.8MB pdf document.)

Do you or your family ride on the Ohlone Greenway? Now's the time to give input to improve it!

Do you or your family ride on the Ohlone Greenway? Now’s the time to give input to improve it!

A parcourse, wayfinding, art – all can have a positive effect on the experience, safety and atmosphere of strolling and rolling.

An orchard is proposed for the eastern edge of the Greenway. What a great idea… BUT if those trees are planted too close to the multi-use path, as was already done south of Dartmouth, they will drop debris on the path, encroach on the path itself and also invite more conflicts between people biking northbound & walking on the east dg path and people who are picking fruit.

Another point someone brought up was that some of the existing trees west of the path cast are planted directly between the overhead light and the path, casting shadows on the path and making the nighttime path experience more dangerous.

In short, as Albany’s Active Transportation Highway, the City must take care not to degrade this important function. If amenities to either side are to be added, it should be done with great care.

Please attend this meeting to give your input and improve the Ohlone Greenway for everyone – strollers, rollers, sitters, dog-walkers, and fruit-pickers!

Ohlone Greenway Design Input at Parks & Rec Meeting – 35% Plans Presented for Input! @ City Hall Council Chambers
Feb 22 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Do you or your family ride, walk, roll, scoot or skate on the Ohlone Greenway? I’m sure you do, as the multi-use path on the Greenway is Albany’s Active Transportation Highway  – over 1,000 trips per day on regular days when last counted several years ago!
The Parks & Rec Department is overseeing Greenway improvements so now’s the time to give input in order to have a better experience to stroll, roll or just hang out!

Do you or your family ride on the Ohlone Greenway? Now's the time to give input to improve it!

Do you or your family ride on the Ohlone Greenway? Now’s the time to give input to improve it!

The information with the Project Plans and what was discussed at previous meetings is at this link. However, the proposal will be updated based on feedback that they received at February 1, so people should come to see how it evolved!
At this meeting the consultants will have 35% designs for you to see and provide input. This is a crucial time in the planning process!
Preferred Concept plan that was presented to Council on February 1  included:

  • Plaza area as presented in the 250K Focused amenities (Adventure play with climbing wall, fitness pod with 3 stations, both diagonal ramps, social path short cut to Solano
  • Redwood Grove informal play area
  • San Gabriel sculpture play
  • Social paths
  • 3 Creek paintings
  • 3 fitness stations along Greenway with 2 pieces of equipment at each
  • Dartmouth Circle improvements
  • Orchards
  • Public Art locations

A parcourse, wayfinding, art – all can have a positive effect on the experience, safety and atmosphere of strolling and rolling.
An orchard is proposed for the eastern edge of the Greenway. What a great idea… BUT if those trees are planted too close to the multi-use path, as was already done south of Dartmouth, they will drop debris on the path, encroach on the path itself and also invite more conflicts between people biking northbound & walking on the east dg path and people who are picking fruit.
Another point someone brought up was that some of the existing trees west of the path cast are planted directly between the overhead light and the path, casting shadows on the path and making the nighttime path experience more dangerous.
In short, as Albany’s Active Transportation Highway, the City must take care not to degrade this important function. If amenities to either side are to be added, it should be done with great care.
Please attend this meeting to give your input and improve the Ohlone Greenway for everyone – strollers, rollers, sitters, dog-walkers, and fruit-pickers!


San Pablo Avenue Improvement Organizing Meeting: El Cerrito, Albany and Richmond @ Elevation 66
Mar 21 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

(photo credit – BikeEastBay)

Join Bike East Bay supporters in your neighborhood to learn about options for bikeways and transit on San Pablo Avenue.

Share your vision for the corridor and get organized for kicking off advocacy.

Bike East Bay is kicking off a campaign for continuous bike lanes on San Pablo Avenue, the major transit and commercial boulevard from Oakland north to Hercules. A safer and more comfortable San Pablo Avenue will connect neighborhoods from east to west and all along the corridor for everyone who bikes, walks, drives, or takes transit.
March 21st, 2018 6:00 PM   through   7:00 PM
10082 San Pablo Avenue
Elevation 66
El Cerrito, CA 94530

(This event is organized and hosted by BikeEastBay who request you RSVP.)

This meeting is at a perfect time for you to attend and then head to AS&R’s Meeting at 7:30!

Central Ave I-80 Underpass Improvement Community Workshop @ El Cerrito Council Chambers
Jun 7 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Do you bike or walk on Central Avenue under I-80 to reach the places you enjoy?
Would you like to help make it easier and safer to do so?
The Central Avenue / Interstate 80 (I-80) underpass in Richmond leads to a lot of great places—the San Francisco Bay Trail, Point Isabel Dog Park, Costco and the Richmond Marina, to name a few.
CalTrans District 4 wants your ideas on how to transform the underpass into a high-quality pedestrian and bicycle connection!

Current Underpass

Help improve your biking and walking experience in the East Bay!
Join us at the Community Workshop to share ideas on the project design. We will discuss safety features, lighting, wayfinding and other design elements.



It could look like this!!

You! Residents, cyclists and walkers in Richmond, El Cerrito, Albany (Pierce Street and West Albany residents, that means you!!) and beyond.

For more information, go to