
Become an AS&R member and get discounts at local bike shops and businesses!

Blue Heron Bikes: 10% off parts and accessories.

Bikes on Solano: 10% off labor, parts and accessories.

Offers are valid to members of Albany Strollers & Rollers and their households. Tell your friends!
Contact us with questions.


Geared 4 Kids: 2 Year Anniversary Ride + BBQ @ San Pablo Park
Apr 14 @ 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Get GEARED UP! Helmets, Bikes, Bells!
This group has been riding for 2 years now and it’s time to celebrate!
There will be a BBQ/Picnic/Potluck after the ride starting around 12:30pm at San Pablo Park. Details for the BBQ can be found on Geared 4 Kids’ Facebook group page.
Meet up for the ride at 10:30am near the playground (Russell & Mabel).
This month’s route will be 4.5 miles long and take us through a bit of Berkeley, Oakland, and Emeryville (a modification of our inaugural route). Bring along snacks to share at our mid-route stop, and, of course, we’ll have tunes to pedal to all throughout the ride!
Helmets required for kids.
Be sure to pack snacks, water, and clothing appropriate to weather conditions!

If anyone wants to ride together from Berkeley, leave a comment on this post and let’s organize something!

City Council Meeting @ City Hall Council Chambers
May 21 @ 2:30 am – 5:00 am

There are lots of items on the agenda that affect cyclists and pedestrians here in Albany.
Those include the following:
*7-1, City Council Strategic Planning Follow Up
Part of what City Council Members recommended in its recent planning session was an emphasis on parks, including the long-awaited Pierce Street Park, and a more bikeable and walkable Albany.
Please speak in support of these plans and concepts!
*7-2, Update on “Complete Streets” planning for Buchanan Street and San Pablo Avenue to improve safety for walking, biking, and other modes of travel. The Staff recommendation is for Council to provide direction to staff and the Traffic and Safety Commission.
Show up and speak to let Council hear that a more bike and pedestrian friendly San Pablo Avenue should be a priority and a reality!
It may also be a good time to speak about your vision for Bike Boulevards on Kains and Adams, making up for the fact that many people will not feel safe riding on San Pablo in the sections without bike lanes.
*8-1, Albany Wayfinding Plan for Bicyclists and Pedestrians
Whenever I ride around Berkeley I marvel at the signage that directs me to the best and safest roads to cycle. I am also fully convinced that motorists on or crossing roads with signage for bicyclists are more courteous to their two-wheeled friends sharing the road.
Show up and tell Council that we all need wayfinding signage for our convenience and safety!
If you can’t attend, please consider writing a brief letter in support of any of these items to requesting specifically that your letter be sent to all the City Council Members.
Thanks! Feel free to email the Discussion List or any of the Core Group with any questions or thoughts.

Birding the Bay Trail by Bicycle @ Aquatic Park, Berkeley
Oct 12 @ 4:15 pm – 8:00 pm

IMG_20111008_BayTrailJoin Golden Gate Audubon leaders to visit Berkeley Aquatic Park, then take the multiuser bridge to the Bay Trail toward Emeryville then Richmond. Meet at 9:15 a.m. on Bolivar Drive near the foot of Bancroft Way in Berkeley.
We’ll bird around Aquatic Park, then take the multiuser bridge to the Bay Trail riding first toward Emeryville, then Richmond. Bring binoculars and snacks; wear layers (it can be warm, or cool and windy along the shore). Call Pat if you want to borrow binoculars. This birding ride is co-listed with Golden Gate Audubon.
Jeffrey Black, (510) 526-7068, and Pat Greene, (415) 321-9013 (cell),

Does anyone want to ride together from anywhere in Albany? Make a proposal for a meeting time and place in “comments” here!

AS&R Happy Hour Meeting – new location!! @ Grazzy Burgers/Albany Taproom
Oct 23 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

2013-03-21_GrazzyTaproomFullRacksJoin us for a happy hour at our new location at Grazzy Burgers/Albany Taproom – yes, they have plenty of bike parking! This is our every other month (even-numbered months) informal get-together to talk about all things bike and ped in Albany. It’s a good chance to ask about what the city is up to and what our stance on issues is, and to meet others who are interested in issues related to human-scale transit/active transit.

Everyone is welcome.

Note that this will usually take place right before a Traffic and Safety Commission meeting, and will also be a good chance to talk about anything coming up on their agenda.


AS&R Happy Hour Meeting! @ Grazzy Burgers/Albany Taproom
Dec 2 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Roll up to Grazzy Burgers/Albany Taproom for a beer, a burger or a salad!

Roll up to Grazzy Burgers/Albany Taproom for AS&R’s Happy Hour and a beer, burger or salad!

Got an idea about biking or walking in Albany? Join us for a Happy Hour at our new location at Grazzy Burgers/Albany Taproom – yes, they have plenty of bike parking! This is our every other month informal get-together to talk about all things bike and ped in Albany. It’s a good chance to ask about what the city is up to and what our stance on issues is, and to meet others who are interested in issues related to human-scale transit/active transit.

Everyone is welcome.

Note that this meeting is on a different day than usual, so as to take place right before the rescheduled Traffic and Safety Commission meeting. It will be a good chance to talk about anything coming up on their agenda.

AS&R Happy Hour Meeting!! @ Grazzy Burgers/Albany Taproom
Dec 17 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

2013-03-21_GrazzyTaproomFullRacksGot a gripe, question or idea that would make cycling or walking better? Hungry or thirsty?
Take care of ALL of those needs in one place!
Join us for our happy hour at Grazzy Burgers/Albany Taproom – yes, they have plenty of bike parking! This is our every other month (even-numbered months) informal get-together to talk about all things bike and ped in Albany. It’s a good chance to ask about what the city is up to and what our stance on issues is, and to meet others who are interested in issues related to human-scale transit/active transit.

Everyone is welcome.

Note that this will usually take place right before a Traffic and Safety Commission meeting, and will also be a good chance to talk about anything coming up on their agenda.


AS&R Happy Hour Meeting – Eat, drink & problem-solve!! @ Everest Kitchen
Feb 23 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Ride on down to Everest Kitchen to enjoy a special Happy Hour discount and chat about biking and walking!

Come and talk about walking and cycling in Albany, while eating delicious Nepali & Indian food in Everest Kitchen’s Parklet! All are invited.
Got a gripe, question or idea that would make cycling or walking better? Hungry or thirsty?
Take care of ALL of those needs in one place!

Sanjiv says “come on down!”

Join us for our Happy Hour at our usual location – Everest Kitchenthey generously offer us 15% off their menu, including drinks, and yes, they have plenty of bike parking! This is our every other month (even-numbered months) informal get-together to talk about all things bike and ped in Albany. It’s a good chance to ask about what the city is up to and what our stance on issues is, and to meet others who are interested in issues related to human-scale transit/active transit.
Everyone is welcome.

Note that this will usually take place right before a Transportation Commission meeting, and will also be a good chance to talk about anything coming up on their agenda.

If you would like to discuss something at the Happy Hour, request a Happy Hour agenda item via email or Put it in the “comments” section below! Hope to see you there!

AS&R Happy Hour Meeting – Eat, drink & problem-solve!! @ Everest Kitchen
Apr 27 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Ride on down to Everest Kitchen to enjoy a special Happy Hour discount and chat about biking and walking!

Come and talk about walking and cycling in Albany, while eating delicious Nepali & Indian food in Everest Kitchen’s Parklet! All are invited.
Got a gripe, question or idea that would make cycling or walking better? Hungry or thirsty?
Take care of ALL of those needs in one place!

Sanjiv says “come on down!”

Join us for our Happy Hour at our usual location – Everest Kitchenthey generously offer us 15% off their menu, including drinks, and yes, they have plenty of bike parking! This is our every other month (even-numbered months) informal get-together to talk about all things bike and ped in Albany. It’s a good chance to ask about what the city is up to and what our stance on issues is, and to meet others who are interested in issues related to human-scale transit/active transit.
Everyone is welcome.

Note that this will usually take place right before a Transportation Commission meeting, and will also be a good chance to talk about anything coming up on their agenda.

If you would like to discuss something at the Happy Hour, request a Happy Hour agenda item via email or Put it in the “comments” section below! Hope to see you there!

AS&R Happy Hour Meeting – Eat, drink & problem-solve!! @ Everest Kitchen
Jun 22 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Ride on down to Everest Kitchen to enjoy a special Happy Hour discount and chat about biking and walking!

Come and talk about walking and cycling in Albany, while eating delicious Nepali & Indian food in Everest Kitchen’s Parklet! All are invited.
Got a gripe, question or idea that would make cycling or walking better? Hungry or thirsty?
Take care of ALL of those needs in one place!

Sanjiv says “come on down!”

Join us for our Happy Hour at our usual location – Everest Kitchenthey generously offer us 15% off their menu, including drinks, and yes, they have plenty of bike parking! This is our every other month (even-numbered months) informal get-together to talk about all things bike and ped in Albany. It’s a good chance to ask about what the city is up to and what our stance on issues is, and to meet others who are interested in issues related to human-scale transit/active transit.
Everyone is welcome.

Note that this will usually take place right before a Transportation Commission meeting, and will also be a good chance to talk about anything coming up on their agenda.

If you would like to discuss something at the Happy Hour, request a Happy Hour agenda item via email or Put it in the “comments” section below! Hope to see you there!

AS&R Happy Hour Meeting – Eat, drink & problem-solve!! @ Everest Kitchen
Oct 26 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Ride on down to Everest Kitchen to enjoy a special Happy Hour discount and chat about biking and walking!

Come and talk about walking and cycling in Albany, while eating delicious Nepali & Indian food in Everest Kitchen’s Parklet! All are invited.
Got a gripe, question or idea that would make cycling or walking better? Hungry or thirsty?
Take care of ALL of those needs in one place!

Sanjiv says “come on down!”

Join us for our Happy Hour at our usual location – Everest Kitchenthey generously offer us 15% off their menu, including drinks, and yes, they have plenty of bike parking! This is our every other month (even-numbered months) informal get-together to talk about all things bike and ped in Albany. It’s a good chance to ask about what the city is up to and what our stance on issues is, and to meet others who are interested in issues related to human-scale transit/active transit.
Everyone is welcome.

Note that this will usually take place right before a Transportation Commission meeting, and will also be a good chance to talk about anything coming up on their agenda.

If you would like to discuss something at the Happy Hour, request a Happy Hour agenda item via email or Put it in the “comments” section below! Hope to see you there!