
Become an AS&R member and get discounts at local bike shops and businesses!

Blue Heron Bikes: 10% off parts and accessories.

Bikes on Solano: 10% off labor, parts and accessories.

Offers are valid to members of Albany Strollers & Rollers and their households. Tell your friends!
Contact us with questions.


Special City Council Meeting – Whole Foods project approvals @ NEW LOCATION - COMMUNITY CENTER
Jul 10 @ 2:30 am – 6:00 am

This is a special meeting of the City Council to make the major approvals for the project, including the EIR. AS&R is awaits posting of the EIR for this meeting, as the last EIR presented by the city had language that seemed to indicate that environmental mitigations, such as bicycle connections to the community-wide bicycle network, might not be undertaken if deemed “infeasible”.

FREE Family Cycling Workshop in Albany! @ University Village Park
Sep 30 @ 9:00 pm – 11:30 pm

The family that rides together thrives together!
Safe road bicycling takes a lot more than balance, a helmet and a good attitude. Join the East Bay Bicycle Coalition’s (AS&R’s umbrella organization) League Certified safety instructors for a day of fun games, safety drills, skills building, and a neighborhood ride. This workshop is for kids able to ride a bike and who are ready to ride on the roadways with their parents. Parents and kids must attend together and should bring their own bikes. Each child receives a free red blinky light for participating!
Come on down and learn the rules of the road and how to ride more safely and confidently so your family can all enjoy riding around Albany!

Go here to register for this FREE fun workshop!

International Walk & Roll to School Day @ Albany Elementary School and Middle School
Oct 3 @ 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

All year AS&R members sell rear lights to the public, and for every one we sell, an Albany student gets one free! Over the past few years we’ve installed more than 800 lights on kids’ bikes.
This event, International Walk & Roll to School Day is the payoff – AS&R volunteers and school parents install lights on kids bikes, helping them ride to and from school and activities more safely.
As you can imagine, this is a tough task so we could use your help that morning!!
Send an email to any of the AS&R Core Group to volunteer – thanks!

Free Family Cycling Workshop @ University Village Park basketball courts
Aug 17 @ 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm

FamilyCyclingWorkshopThe family that rides together thrives together!
Safe road bicycling takes a lot more than balance, a helmet and a good attitude. Join the East Bay Bicycle Coalition’s League Certified safety instructors for a day of fun games, safety drills, skills building, and a neighborhood ride. This workshop is for kids able to ride a bike and who are ready to ride on the roadways with their parents. Parents and kids must attend together and should bring their own bikes. Each child receives a free red blinky light for participating!

It’s free, and it will help you and your family ride the roads of Albany and beyond more safely and confidently.

Register at

Gilman/I-80 Interchange Improvements Community Meeting @ North Berkeley Senior Center
Apr 27 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Do you or your family ride to the Tom Bates ball fields, the Bay Trail, César Chávez Park, Emeryville or anywhere else passing along Gilman and the I-80 interchange? Would you rather have a safer, more pleasant ride? Here’s an opportunity to give input so that happens.

In 2014, Caltrans gave the City of Berkeley permission to move ahead with plans for double-roundabouts at the I-80 and Gilman Street interchange, located in West Berkeley near the boundary with the City of Albany. GilmanRoundaboutConceptAerial

Such roundabouts are not friendly to active transportation. Consequently an active transportation overpass of I-80 and the West Frontage Road is proposed as part of the project. This project element is not shown on the schematic to the right because it was a late addition.

Unfortunately the overpass is to the south rather than north of Gilman. In this position it will require users to go more than a thousand feet out of their way after navigating the congestion on Gilman and crossing through motorist traffic on that street to reach the overpass.

As if that is not bad enough, the Alameda County Transportation Expenditure Plan also includes building a railroad underpass on Gilman. This information has not been included in or mentioned as part of the context for the current project in the publicity so far. This underpass will make the active transportation overpass even less desirable to reach by those it would otherwise best serve.

There is another option that should be studied – placing the overpass north of Gilman. This could connect to the Codornices Creek path upon construction, or be built to facilitate such connection in the future. This would provide a motorist-separated approach that matches the overpass. It would allow people to ride from Hearst and Milvia in Berkeley all the way to the Bay Trail entirely on cycling paths except for the few low motorist-volume blocks of Dartmouth between the Ohlone Greenway and San Pablo. It would also directly connect the two sports complexes at either end. For these reasons, Albany’s Active Transportation Plan is the only one that shows an overpass in this area, and it shows it at Codornices Creek not Gilman.

The project engineering consultant has said the northern crossing was not studied because it would require some right-of-way from Golden Gate Fields. However there is precedent for garnering land from Golden Gate Fields for active transportation facilities. The East Bay Regional Park District successfully used eminent domain to secure property from Golden Gate Fields along the shoreline for the Bay Trail.

The Alameda County Transportation Commission, City of Berkeley, Caltrans, and the Consultant Team will prepare traffic studies, community outreach, preliminary engineering studies, and CEQA/NEPA environmental review studies. AS&R invites you to attend the first community meeting to share your thoughts on the Gilman Street interchange project! And if your thoughts include studying a northern alignment for the active transportation overpass, please let them know.

Want to ride to the meeting from Albany? Leave a comment here with a suggestion and make it happen!

Joe Hurlimann Memorial Ride
Feb 25 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Fallen Cyclist Joe Hurlimann was taken from us last week near North Berkeley BART just after sunrise. “He was a Berkeley native who still lived in his childhood home, an avid gardener and stamp collector who had a PhD from Cal in plant pathology. He worked at UCB for 31 years, and at Truitt & White in West Berkeley for 61 years,” Emilie Raguso. Full Berkeleyside article here.

SPOKES would like to put a Ghost Bike at the scene and invites community to bring flowers and honor his life while we make public our concerns about the safety of cyclists and pedestrians in Berkeley, the East Bay, Bay Area California, and in the US. If anyone has time to give an hour or two to help organize we’d like to set the Ghost bike and then gather Hearst Street Park @ Sacramento with a brief respite. If you have access to Bagels, Cheeseboard / Arizmendi/ Peet’s coffee, Trader Joes / Berkeley Bowl (juices) , Spokes will Bring bike racks and tables. Public officials Berkeley Police , California Bike Coalition, Bike East Bay are invited to speak and Bike East Bay . Media Welcome!

Go to the Facebook page for any updates.

If anyone wants to propose a ride from Albany, please write in “comments” to this event – thanks.

Public Forum for I-80/Gilman Interchange Project @ James Kennedy Recreation Center Community Room
Jan 15 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

The planned I-80 Gilman Interchange Project will improve travel for all users of that area, including people who bike to the Bates Fields, Berkeley Marina and south on the Bay Trail.
CalTrans has adopted a Negative Declaration for the project, which is excellent news.
This page has additional information on the entire project and plan.
This Open Open Forum Hearing will give you an opportunity to show your support for this project, or discuss improvements that might help Active Transportation access and safety.

If you can’t attend but would like to voice support, please send an email to 


Berkeley San Pablo Ave Traffic Safety Walk
Nov 5 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Join Walk Bike Berkeley members, District 2 Berkeley City Council Candidate Terry Taplin, Transportation Commissioners, and others to discuss road safety challenges and opportunities on San Pablo Avenue.
Remember, what is done in Berkeley will have an impact on Albany’s stretch of San Pablo!

Meet at Dwight & San Pablo, walk to University Ave (7 blocks)


  • San Pablo from Dwight to University is the highest priority street segment to fix in Berkeley’s draft Pedestrian Plan, based on safety and equity needs

  • Just 14% of Berkeley’s street miles account for 93% of pedestrian fatalities & severe injuries

  • Berkeley’s busy, arterial streets are the most dangerous for people walking and biking

  • Alameda County, including Albany, is planning the future of the San Pablo Avenue Corridor