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access accessible ADA adams adult advocacy albany local week apd approval arts & green festival atp ballfields barbecue BART baseball bay bridge bay trail bbq beach beer benefit berkeley bicycle bicycle boulevard bicycle bridge bicycle valet parking bicycles bike boulevard bike east bay bike handling bike lane Bike Month bike parking bike path bike rack bike ride bike rodeo bike safely bike safety bike share bike shop bike stuff Bike to Work Day bike valet bike valet parking blender BMX bond measures bridge buchanan buchanan street bulb business businesses buy bike car-free carnival celebration cerrito charity children ciclovía citations city city council city cycling class cleanup clinic commission community commute commuter competition complete streets confidence connection connectivity cove creek crime cycletrack debate donate donation EBBC education education program eir el cerrito election enforcement entertainment environment event family Family Cycling Workshop family event family ride festival film fitness fix-it food foods forum friends of five creeks fun fun ride fund raiser fundraiser gear Gilman grand opening greenway group ride health health fair help high school hike history holiday how to ride issues kains kids kids ride law laws learn to bike legislation lights maintenance meeting memorial mountain bike movie moving violation MTB multi-use path neighbors non-profit oakland off road ohlone greenway open space open streets outdoors par course parade parcourse park parklet parks party peace pierce pierce street park plants point isabel police policy politics popcorn public input race rack recreation recreational ride refreshments regional regional bicycle route rental repair Richmond ride riding safety road design rules of the road running safety sale sales san pablo san pablo complete streets school scouts shop site walk skill skills soccer social ride sponsor sports sports fields store street fair street level cycles stroll student students supporting business sustainability sway tabling teen teenager ticket traffic & safety traffic & safety commission trail trail work trails train transit transportation triathlon tuneups uc mixed-use development uc village mixed use project urban cycling used bikes valet parking volunteer walk walk to school waterfront waterside workshops wayfinding whole women workshop youth
Got a bike that’s squeaking and creaking? The BikeMobile will provide free tune ups & repairs for adults and children. The BikeMobile can fix flat tires, adjust brakes and gears, and even replace broken or worn out parts like chains, seats, and tires. The only thing they can’t do is replace missing wheels or gears. While the mechanics work on your bike they’ll explain how to keep it running smoothly!
Bike or no bike, everyone is welcome to attend to learn about maintenance, safety, and more! This is first come, first serve and space is limited.They will be set up on the patio on Marin Ave – come on over!!
Bike or no bike, everyone is welcome to attend to learn about maintenance, safety, and more! This is first come, first serve and space is limited.They will be set up on the patio on Marin Ave – come on over!!
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